History: Bolsheviks Revolution 09/06

  • Lenin and Leon Trotsky

    They both returned to Russia after the first revolution to help the Bolsheviks.
  • Provisional Government

    The Provisional Government took control of Russia after the Tsar's abdication.
  • Russian First Revolution

    The Russian Revolution took place when the peasants and working class people of Russia revolted against the government of Tsar Nicholas II. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks.
  • Bolsheviks win and take control of Petrogad.

    On the evening of 7 November, the Bolsheviks were in control of most of Petrograd by the following day and stormed the Winter Palace and arrested the ministers of the Provisional Government.
    After that, the Bolsheviks proclaimed that the Provisional Government had been overthrown.
  • Bolshevik decrets

    The Boshevik dictated new decrets in Russia,for example:
    8 November: Land belonging to Tsar, Church and
    nobles handed over to peasants.
    12-14 November: Working day limited to eight hours:48-hour week.Workers insured against illness
    or accident.
    1 December: All non-Bolshevik newspapers banned.
    11 December: The opposition Constitutional
    Democratic Party(Cadets) banned,leaders arrested.
    27 December: Factories under control of workers'
    committees.Banks put under Bolshevik government
  • Civil War

    A civil war ocurred between the White army (the ones who oponned the new government) and the Red army (the Bolsheviks themselves).
  • Bolshevik Dicatorship: lost of the elections

    The constituent assembly elections opened free for everyone. the Bolsheviks did not gain a majority. Their rivals, the peasant-based Socialist Revolutionaries made the biggest party when the Assembly opened . Lenin sent the Red Guards to close down the Assembly. After some protests which were put down by the Red Guards,the Assembly was forgotten.He thoght he was mantaining order.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Lenin hoped that a socialist revolution would break out in Germany, but this did not happen. In consequence, Germans where a threat for Lenin, so he had to accept their peace terms in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia lost a lot of goods.
  • Russia lost a lot of their goods.

    The Treaty made consequences for Russia. Russia's losses included 34 per cent of its population, 32 per cent of its agricultural land, 54 per cent of its industry, 26 per cent of its railways and 89 per cent of its coalmines. A final blow was the imposition of a fine of 300 million gold roubles.
  • The Kronstadt

    The Kronstadt mutiny, an unsuccessful uprising against the Bolsheviks, takes place.
  • NEP

    The 10th Party Congress introduced the measures of the New Economic Policy. These measures included the return of agriculture, retail trade, and small-scale light industry to private ownership and management while the state retained control of heavy industry, transport, banking, and foreign trade.
  • Creation of the Soviet Union

  • Death of Lenin

    After a series of strokes in 1922 and 1923, Lenin died in January 1924.