1820 BCE
Fourth Census
America's population is 10 million.
1.7 million people African Americans -
1817 BCE
First Seminole War
war begins with attacks on the settlers in Florida & Georgia.
Mississippi enters Union as 20th state. -
1816 BCE
Old Southwest
First Protective Tariff is passed by Congress.
Second band IN the U.S. is opened -
1812 BCE
War of 1812
U.S. declares war on Great Britain .
Native Americans fight for Britain. -
1810 BCE
Third Census
America's population is 7.2 million.
1.4 million of the population is African Americas and 1.2 million are slaves. -
1807 BCE
Ban On Slave Trade
Importing slaves is baned by Congress.
Embargo Act is passed because the British and French are messing with U.S. trade. -
1805 BCE
Barbary War Ends
U.S. troops capture Darna.
Lewis and Clare reach the Pacific Ocean. -
1804 BCE
Marbury v. Madison
twelfth amendment allows president and vice president to be elected separately.
Alexander Hamilton is killed by Aaron Burr. -
1803 BCE
Louisiana Terrirory
France buys Louisiana territory for $15 million.
U.S.'s size is almost doubled. -
1800 BCE
Second Census
Americas population is 5.3 million.
1 million of the population is African. -
1799 BCE
Alien & Sedition Acts
George Washington dies in Virginia when he was 67.
The cherry tree myth was born. -
1796 BCE
Presidential Election
John Adams defeats Thomas Jefferson for president.
Jefferson becomes vice president -
1795 BCE
Whiskey Rebellion
Spain allows the U.S. to use the Mississippi.
The Indians were defeated at Fallen Timbers -
1794 BCE
Presidential Election
Britain leaves the northwest territory.
U.S. pays pre-Revolution debts. -
1793 BCE
Presidental Election
Washington says the U.S. is at peace with France and Great Britain.
France and Great Britain go to war. -
1792 BCE
Presidential Election
Kentucky enters the union.
Washington and Adams are re-elected president and vice pres. -
1791 BCE
Bill of rights is ratified
Bill of rights become apart of the constitution .
The first bank of the united states appears -
1790 BCE
First Census
So many people were enslaved.
Benjamin Franklin died in Philadelphia. -
1789 BCE
U.S. govt under the constitution begins
George Washington was considered for president.
He was the best person for the job -
1789 BCE
Quasi War
France attempts to bribe the U.S.
Jefferson and Madison talk about war on opposite sides