History Assignment 2

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    Viking Settlement

    Viking Settlement
    The first Europeans to actually come to North America were the Vikings, who were also the first to build their own settlement on what they called Vinland, which is somewhere around Newfoundland and Labrador. They were later on driven away by the indigenous people of that land after the vikings killed a small group of them.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot Newfoundland

    John Cabot Newfoundland
    While trying to search for the Northwest Passage, John Cabot landed in Newfoundland on accident. But this accident caused him to find lots of fish, which led european fishermen to follow him and catch lots on fish off the coast.
  • Apr 20, 1514

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques Cartier was an explorer trying to search for gold, riches, spices, and a passage to Asia. But instead, he ended up traveling the St.Lawrence river, explored the coast of Newfoundland, and discovered Prince Edward Island.
  • Establishment of New France

    Establishment of New France
    Samuel de Champlain was a french explorer who was known for discovering Quebec city and created the first fur trading post in Canada and establishing New France within Canada
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    Jesuit Missionaries

    The Jesuits were French Christian Missionaries who came to Canada to try and convince the indigenous people there to convert to Christianity. They spent many years learning their language, culture but had little success in converting Indigenous people.
  • Halifax British Settlement

    Halifax British Settlement
    After taking over Nova Scotia from the French in 1713, the British founded Halifax with the arrival of Colonel Edward Cornwallis with 2,500 settlers hailing from England as a measure to counter against Fort Louisburg.
  • Battle of the plains of Abraham

    Battle of the plains of Abraham
    The Battle of the plains of Abraham, or the battle of Quebec, was a conflict between French and British forces during the Seven Years War. The battle ended with the British reigning victorious and the French surrendering most of New France to the British
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    Black Loyalists

    During the time of the American Revolution, Canada was a haven for escaped Black slaves. The British promised the escaped slaves freedom, land, and rights if they helped join the British.
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    Loyalist Migration

    American Colonists who supported the British were known as loyalists and would migrate to Canada during and after the American Civil War to stay loyal to the crown. This Migration would result in the formation of Upper Canada and New Brunswick.
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    Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad was a series of secret routes and safe houses created by abolitionists that would lead escaped slaves into Canada. Between 30000 and 40000 African Americans made it to Canada.
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    The Great Migration

    During this time, Britain workers came to Canada to find jobs as the industrial revolution happened in Britain and there was a low quality for life there. Over 800000 immigrants came to Canada, British and Irish, as the Irish were trying to escape the Great Potato Famine.
  • Surplus Children

    Surplus Children
    During this time, a police magistrate Robert Chambers, told the British Parliament that London had too much Children and recommended that they should be sent as farm labor to Canada to which the Parliament agreed.
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    Japanese Issei

    The first Japanese Immigrant, Manzo Nagano started the first wave of Japanese Immigration in Canada or Issei(first generation) with over 10000 immigrants settled in 1914
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    Canadian Pacific Railway

    During the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, many of the workers were brought from China as it was easier cheaper and faster for Canada to get laborers from China than it was Halifax.
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    Chinese Head Tax

    Once the railway was completed, Chinese immigration was now restricted. In order for a Chinese Immigrant to enter the country they had to pay a head tax of 50$ gradually increasing each year with the last total amount being 500%