roman/greek christmas
the greek sun god was born from rock on decemeber 25th from rock and is the holiest day of the year. -
Dec 18, 1400
In roman a week before the winter salstic roman had saten day for the god satern satern ment plenty -
Olden german god
Olden is a german god that said it you lived or died in the following year -
Christmas in England
Christmas was outlawed in England. So they take it underground so people are celebrating christmas in secret -
Chirstma in american
In america christmas was allowed -
Congress Christma
For the next 76 years people of congress stayed in session on christma -
Departments stores
Santa been showing up in departments stores since 1800s -
The German call christmas wweihnachted -
Egyptians call christmas coptic and is on Jan 6th -
The Roman call christmas saturnalia and was on Dec.17. to honor deity soturn -
Mexico christmas
Mexico decoration thats is well know as poinsettias -
Mexicans christmas season goes from Dec 12 to Jan 6th -
Christmas Boze harodzenie
Christmas in Polish is called Boze-harodzenie -
In colombia the presents are brought by baby jesus -
I belarous christmaas is on Jan 7 -
The history of yule
Is a religious festival observed by the historical germanic people scholars have connected to the wild hunt the god odin and the pagan Anglo-Saxon modranicht -
First christmas in England
The first christmas was brought to england -
First christmas card
The first christmas card was made -
Moments when christmas parnets payed more attention to there kids family time -
Saint Nicholes
Good child wake up on decemeber 6 and saint nicholes gave good children gifts