Indian Removal Act
This day the Indian Removal Policy was used to push the Native Americans across the Mississippi River to the Indian Territory [Oklahoma].Soon their resorvations got smaller and smaller. This document was singed and passed by Andrew Johnson. -
The Gold Rush began
James W. Marshall found a golden nugget in the American River starting The Gold Rush. A race for the most gold. -
The Civil War Began
The Civil War started with the first Battle of Bull Run. General Irvin Mcdowell attacked on July 21 for the first Civil War battle. -
The Transcontinental Railroad began to be built
On this day The Transcontinental Railroad began to be built On November 6,1863. Theadore Judah [the cheif engener] died of yellow fever six years later. -
The Civil War Ended
General Lew Wallace was hung this day ending the Civil War, The cold, bloody, and violent war against the South and the North was over. -
The Transcontinental Railroad was finished
The Omaha station met the Sacremento railroad in 1869 to finish the Transcontinental Railroad, The Railroad was ready to go. -
Indian Appropriation Act
No Indians in the United States were recognized as citezens to society. -
Dawes Severality Act
This act was singed by Grover Clevland, it enforced distribution of land holdings among Natyive Americans in Oklahoma.