Civil war

History: A Blast From The Past

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    This day the Indian Removal Policy was used to push the Native Americans across the Mississippi River to the Indian Territory [Oklahoma].Soon their resorvations got smaller and smaller. This document was singed and passed by Andrew Johnson.
  • The Gold Rush began

    The Gold Rush began
    James W. Marshall found a golden nugget in the American River starting The Gold Rush. A race for the most gold.
  • The Civil War Began

    The Civil War Began
    The Civil War started with the first Battle of Bull Run. General Irvin Mcdowell attacked on July 21 for the first Civil War battle.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad began to be built

    The Transcontinental Railroad began to be built
    On this day The Transcontinental Railroad began to be built On November 6,1863. Theadore Judah [the cheif engener] died of yellow fever six years later.
  • The Civil War Ended

    The Civil War Ended
    General Lew Wallace was hung this day ending the Civil War, The cold, bloody, and violent war against the South and the North was over.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad was finished

    The Transcontinental Railroad was finished
    The Omaha station met the Sacremento railroad in 1869 to finish the Transcontinental Railroad, The Railroad was ready to go.
  • Indian Appropriation Act

    Indian Appropriation Act
    No Indians in the United States were recognized as citezens to society.
  • Dawes Severality Act

    Dawes Severality Act
    This act was singed by Grover Clevland, it enforced distribution of land holdings among Natyive Americans in Oklahoma.