Aug 28, 1096
Crusades are fought
1096 Was when the first battle happened. It was a brutal holy war between muslums and christians. The European King gained power. The war was important because they bwere introduced to crossbows, and increased trade routes. 1096-1291 -
Sep 14, 1300
Renaissance begins
Changes in society. decreas of population made it possible for farmers to grow more crops than needed. There was a rise of city states. Roman Catholic church, Nobles, Merchants, and artisans dominated society. This time was important because it was when ideas and beliefs started changing. It is also important because this is when humanism started. -
Sep 10, 1337
100 years war
fought about land in France. England was trying to take more land. France tried to push them out. It was a war over land in France. It was a fight between England and France. During those 100 years it stopped. haooened in 1337. -
Sep 30, 1368
Ming Dynasty
Ming means "brilliant". Zhu yuanzhang and his rebel army overthrew the last Mongul emperor. The Ming Dynasty began. The Ming Dynasty ruled for 300 years. -
Sep 14, 1400
Johannes Gutenberg-Printing press
Johannes Gutenberg cast the letters of the alphabet onto metal plates and locked those plates into wooden press. This moveable type, which had its roots in China and Korea, resulted in one of the most dramatic upheavals the world has ever known. Thsi was important because it helped spread ideas. This was also important because the Bible was printed. -
Oct 17, 1403
Voyages of Zheng He
Sep 30, 1405
Voysges of Zhang he
1405-1433 -
Sep 12, 1431
Joan of Ark Burned at the stake
Was burned at the stake in 1431 when she was 19. Helped someone become king. She becomes a Saint in 1920. -
Sep 14, 1483
Martin Luther Posts 95 Theses
Martin Luther believed selling indulgences was sinful.in his theses he flatly denied that indulgences had any power to remit sin. he also criticized the pope, and power of the church. He nailed them on the church doors. This was important becasue it opened people's eyes to the pope scamming them, and that you can get rid of sin just by your faith. -
Oct 3, 1500
Safavid Empire
East of Ottomans, Persian Muslims called Safavids began building an empire. The founder of the empire was a fourteen year old boy, and also ended up leading an army in a sweep conquest in Persia. -
Oct 14, 1500
Slave trade across the Atlantic
1500-1800 This was when africans were brought to the colonies of the new world, and sold, and used for labor. They used slave raders to find the biggest, strongest, youngest africans to bring back. They would travel by ship across the atlantic, crammed into tight spaces, and not allowed to move. many died before arriving to the new world. -
Oct 16, 1502
Naming of the new world
America got it's name form A guy named Amerigo Vespucci. Because he discoverd the mainland of the New World. In 1502 on his second voyage, Vespucci suspected Columbus' error as to what he had actually discovered. He eventually proved him wrong and it sparked excitement all over. -
Sep 30, 1503
Leonardo Da Vinvi Paints the Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci is famous for the Mona Lisa becasue it "captures the complexity of human spirit with a mysterious smile." He was not only famous for the Mona Lisa, but for The Last Supper, the painting of the Mona Lisa was important because it helped the movement of humanism. -
Sep 15, 1508
Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel
the ceiling shows scenes from the old testiment of the bible. many art historians consider it one of the greatest acheivments in history of painting because of the personalized characterizations of biblical figures. -
Oct 2, 1519
Magellan set's out for his "Round the World" trip
Magellan sets out with 250 men. only 18 of the original 250 men survives. They were the first ever to circumnavigate, or sail, completely around the world. -
Oct 17, 1526
Mughal empire begins
1526-1707 -
Oct 1, 1532
Pizaro takes over inca empire
When Pizarro arrived they had already been weakened due to small px, which also killed the emperer. Took Atahualpa prisoner because he didnt hand over his riches, and convert to christianity. Atahualpa gave them a fortune in silver and gold, but they still killed him, and headed to Cuzco. They distroyed the Inca army and took over the empire. -
Sep 30, 1534
King Henry VIII founds Anglican Church
He is a key figure of the Reformation. The pope would not annul his marraige, but he will not do it. So he breaks away from the Catholic church and founds the church of England, and serves as it's head. -
Oct 16, 1534
Henry VII founds Anglican Church
The early Reformation created an Anglican Church more politically oriented than Lutheranism. The leader of the Reformation in England was not a priest but the monarch, Henry VIII . Part of the reason he founded the Anglican church is because he was upset that the pope would not annul his marraige. He wanteed to make the rules. -
Sep 30, 1543
Copernicus publishes heliocentric theory
everyone else thought that the moon the sun and the other planets orbit the earth. Copernicus realized that it was not true. The sun is the center of the solar system and the earth and the other planets orbit it. That is the heliocentric theory. -
Sep 16, 1545
The council of Trent
It was created by Pope Paul the 3rd, meant to redifine the doctrines of the Catholic Faith. Met on and off from 1545 to 1563 -
Oct 16, 1556
Phillip II rules Spain
1556-1598 He grew up mostly with his mother until she died in 1539. Departing Spain in 1543, Charles V named Philip his Spanish regent, leaving him experienced advisors. Philip returned to Spain in 1551 and continued his job as regent. -
Oct 17, 1558
Elizabeth 1 becomes queen of England
Because Elizabeth was a daughter of King Henry VIII she was in line to the throne (despite several attempts to remove her from the chain she was in henry's will as an heir) She was considered a valuable bride. She ruled for forty four years, she was twenty five when she became queen. -
Age of enlightment
The idea that reason is the best way to understand truth. They thought it could be used to solve all human problems. Ideas of enlightment inspired educated people throughout Europe and beyond. -
Jamestown, Colony Virginia, Founded
This was America’s first permanent english colony. The colony was supported by the virginia company of london. Chartered in 1606 by king james I the company also supported english national goals of evening the expansion of other european nations there and seeking a northwest passage to the Orient. And converting the virginia indians to the anglican religion. -
Thomas Hobbes writes Leviathan
1642-1651 He argues the side of natural evolution of the social contract. He believed a social construct in which people unite to political societies, agreeing to follow common rules and accept obligations to protect themselves and eahother from whatever might come otherwise. -
Louis XIV becomes king of France
He became King in 1643, in 1661 he started reforming France. In 1688 he led a war between France and the Grand Alliance. in 1660 he married daughter of the king of Spain Marie-Therese of Austria. -
Quing Dynasty
1644-1911 became the last dynasty in 3,500 years of imperial rule in China. The Quing Dynasty was in power, China grew prosperous, and to it;s largest size in history. The chinese also made many developments in the arts and literature. -
Oliver Cromwell rules England
Between 1653 and 1658 he ruled the UK. he was a very talented military leader, which helped his political career. He was hated by royalists for his role in the trial and execution of Charles I. He was a controversial figure. He also wanst really liked by parliamentarians. -
Peter hte great becomes Czar
When Peter was ten he became tsar jointly with his half-brother Ivan. At first Peter's older half-sister Sophia held power as regent, but in 1696 he began to rule alone. Peter was tsar of Russia from 1682 to 1725. Peter the Great is known for dragging Russia out of the medieval times so much that by his death in 1725 Russia was a leading eastern European state. -
Catherine the Great rules Russia
1762-1796 Catherine started out as a minor German princess. She traveled to Russia with her mother in 1744, and became Ill.When she was no longer sick, she continued her relationship with Grand Duke Peter. And they got engaged and she converted to Russian Orthadox faith. -
The French Revoluiton
1789-1799 Thousands of people, icluding the king and queen died violently during the revolution. After Napolean Bonaparte took contol, it became a powerful empire. Napolean went on to dominate Europe for years -
The French Revolution begins
Lots of things happened during the french revolution. During this time French citizens changed and redesigned their country’s political views. uprooting old values like absolute monarchy and the feudal system. Like the American Revolution before it the French revolution was influenced by enlightenment, mainly the concepts of popular sovereignty. Although it did not achieve all of its goals, it was important to history -
U.S constitution ratified
when the process of ratification began the majority of americans were leery of supporting the Constitution because it represented a drastic change away from the articles of confederation whos weaknesses many common citizens had not been in a position to observe. The long process of ratification began with the entrenchment of opposing sides. -
Reign of Terror begins
After the death of louis XVI in 1793 the reign of terror began. The first victim was marie antoinette. The terror was designed to fight the enemies of the revolution to prevent counter revolution from gaining ground. -
Napoleon becomes emperor
He was the first frenchman to hold title of emperor in 1000 years. He was one of the greatest military strategists in history, he rose in the ranks of the french revolutionary army. He was eventually exiled to Island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa after escaping the Island of Elba. -
The tolugawa shogunate ends
Tokugawa Shogunate ends
Tokugawa Ieyasus dynasty of shoguns presided over 250 years. To protect against outside ideas, they worked to close off Japanese society from Westernizing influences especially Christianity. They grew weak by the mid 19th century.