History 9 Revolutions Timeline - Will Consoli

  • Start of the French Revolution: Storming of the Bastille

    Start of the French Revolution: Storming of the Bastille
    After King Louis XVI calls the Estates General and 3rd Estate fails to be heard, the common public angered by this outcome storms the Bastille, a prison for political enemies where revolutionaries hoped to steal supplies like gunpowder, guns and other weapons.
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    French Revolution

    The French Revolution starts with the Storming of the Bastille, then followed by the National Assembly creating the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Then, after Prussia and Austria invade France, the Jacobins take power with Robespierre as a tyrant, until he is executed 10 months later. Then Napoleon comes to power and crowns himself emperor and conquers much of Europe, until he loses to Russia (Battle of Waterloo); where the French Revolution ends at the Congress of Vienna.
  • L'Ouverture Leads a Slave Revolt in Haiti

    L'Ouverture Leads a Slave Revolt in Haiti
    A former "Self Educated" Slave by the name of Toussaint L'Ouverture leads the first ever successful Slave Revolt on the island of Haiti against French Control. He was known as a great general and an inspiring military commander.
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    Haitian Revolution

    Inspired by the success of other colonies rising up and gaining independence form their European mother countries, L'Ouverture leads a slave revolt (half a million slaves were there) against France. France, weakened by the French Revolution but not willing to lose their highly profitable colony (Sugar Plantation), enlists the help Spain and Britain. Through superior numbers, home field advantage and diseases like Yellow Fever and Malaria ripping through the French forces, Haiti wins.
  • Napoleon Crowns himself Emperor

    Napoleon Crowns himself Emperor
    After Napoleon rises quickly through the ranks of the French Military and Political hierarchy, Napoleon eventually crowns himself emperor.
  • Venezuelan Independence

    Venezuelan Independence
    Bolivar liberates Venezuela from Spanish control.
  • Colombian Independence Day

    Colombian Independence Day
    Rebels flood the city of Bogotá and the Spanish Viceroy is forced to give Colombia Independence. Bolivar then comes and Liberates Colombia.
  • Father Hidalgo's call for Freedom

    Father Hidalgo's call for Freedom
    Although Father Hidalgo was a Creole and had relative power, Father Hidalgo of Delores at one prayer called his fellow Mexicans to rise up arms against Spanish rule. Although after a brief rebellion outside Mexico City, Father Hidalgo is executed.
  • Argentinan Independence

    Argentinan Independence
    San Martín liberates Argentina from Spanish control and a Congress in Argentina declares themselves finally free.
  • Chilean Independence

    Chilean Independence
    San Martin free's Chile from Spanish control and a Declaration of Rights is approved on Talca.
  • Peru Independence

    Peru Independence
    San Martín, after gaining naval superiority by controlling Chile, liberates Peru from Spanish control by capturing Lima.
  • Mexico Wins Independence

    Mexico Wins Independence
    After many failed uprisings that were repelled by the Spanish in Mexico, a former Spanish Loyalist; Iturbide finds himself driving the Spanish Viceroy out of Mexico after the threat of liberal reforms in Mexico.
  • Bolivar Free's Ecuador

    Bolivar Free's Ecuador
    Bolivar and his forces free Quinto from Spanish control and liberate Ecuador.
  • Bolivar Liberates Bolivia

    Bolivar Liberates Bolivia
    Bolivar takes over Bolivia from Spanish control, and the people there would later name the country after their freer.
  • Mazzini creates "Young Italy"

    Mazzini creates "Young Italy"
    Giuseppe Mazzini, a Italian Nationalist, creates the organization "Young Italy", which is dedicated to the unification of Italian states.
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    All trade Barriers and tarifs (taxes) between the German Kingdoms (before unification) is abolished to increase German wealth.
  • Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia

    Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia
    Count Camillo Cavour rises through the ranks of the Sardinian Political Figure and eventually becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia.
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    Crimean War

    After Russia stakes claim to the area of Crimea to protect the Orthodox people there, a war broke out between Russia against the British, French and Ottoman forces (and Sardinia from January 1855 and on). The Sardinia's entered the war mainly to get a seat at the peace conference to come, to negotiate Sardinia gaining new land in the hopes of unifying Italy.
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    Garibaldi's and his Redshirts conquest for Southern Italy

    Giuseppe Garibaldi leads 1,000 men of Freedom Fighters and Rebels (Redshirts) into the Kingdom of two Sicily's and successful takes it over. He is then recognized as a hero when he moves to take over Naples. He then gives over all the land he has taken to Victor Emmanuel ll, king of Sardinia, to nearly complete Italian Unification.
  • Otto Von Bismark becomes Prime Minister of Prussia

    Otto Von Bismark becomes Prime Minister of Prussia
    After rising through Military and Government ranks, the foreign Ambassador for France and Russia (representing Prussia); Bismark, becomes Prime Minister of Prussia.
  • Bismark: Blood and Iron Speech

    Bismark: Blood and Iron Speech
    Prime Minister of Prussia; Otto Von Bismark, makes a speech that would be known as the "Blood and Iron" speech. This speech covered the ideas of RealPolotik (ideals of the state over individual rights) and how Prussia will need to use Blood and Iron to unify the rest of Gemany.
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    German Danish War

    Prussia and Austria invade Denmark in the hopes of annexing the Danish Kingdoms of Schleswig and Holstein
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    Austro - Prussian War

    Also known as the 7 weeks war, the Austro Prussian War is when Prussia defeats Austria and all Austrian siding German States. This secures Prussia's superiority over German Kingdoms to one day unify all of Germany.
  • Victor Emmanuel ll is crowned the King of Italy

    Victor Emmanuel ll is crowned the King of Italy
    In 1870, France is forced to leave Rome due to the Franco Prussian War. This gives Sardinia the last piece of Italy, creating a unified Italy under the control of Victor Emmanuel ll.
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    Franco - Prussian War

    After editing the telegram the "Ems Dispatch", Otto Von Bismark of Prussia manipulated France to declare war on them so that the southern German Kingdoms would side with Prussia, thus unifying Germany. Prussia defeated France with great speed and mobility, encircling Napoleon lll.
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    2nd Reich

    The second Reich is widely considered to be the timespan of the German Empire, after German Unification but before the times of Nazi Germany, where Hitler would become the 3rd Reich (The 1st Reich being the Holy Roman Empire.