
By bc123
  • Jan 7, 1000

    1000 BC Latiums enter the Northen Italian Peninsula

    1000 BC Latiums enter the Northen Italian Peninsula
    They settled into Italy along the TiberbRiver in small villages scattered over seven low lying hills where they herded and farmed.
  • Period: Jan 7, 1000 to Jan 7, 1476


    timeline of rome
  • Jan 7, 1015

    800 BC Ecrustans are an established tribe

    The Ecrustan tribe lived north of Rome and eventually ruled much of Italy including Rome itself. They treated the Romans unfairly and used a kinghood as a government. They had also learned to use arched buildings in construction.
  • Jan 7, 1025

    753 BC City of Rome is built

    753 BC City of Rome is built
    With architechual advances, the Romans build the grand city of rome featuring domes.
  • Jan 7, 1050

    509 BC Last Ecruscan Tarquin is overthrown

    After the Romans got fed up with the Ecrustians, they fought for power and eventually, the Romans have won and overthrown the Ecrustians.
  • Jan 7, 1070

    509 BC Roman Republic is established by the original Twelve Tribes of the Italian Peninsula

    After overthrowing the Ecrustians, the twelve tribes band together to form a republic with no king and a "fair" government. They find a way to make most people happy and keep peace for a while.
  • Jan 7, 1090

    450 BC Twelve Tables established

    450 BC Twelve Tables established
    A set of laws made by the Roman rupiblic that circulated around fairness. The twelve laws were protaining to courts and trials,Trials, continued,Debt, Rights of fathers (paterfamilias) over the family, Legal guardianship and inheritance laws, Acquisition and possession, Land rights, Torts and delicts (Laws of injury), Public law, Sacred law, Supplement I and Supplement II
  • Period: Jan 7, 1100 to Jan 7, 1140

    264 BC Punic wars

    These wars were the result of Carthage and Rome fighting for power over the Mediterranean. While all hope seemed lost for Rome, they attacked Carthage on its land and one the war.
  • Jan 7, 1160

    146 BC Battle of coronith

    146 BC Battle of coronith
    A battle between Rome and the Greek city-state of Corinth and its allies in the Achaean League in 146 BC. This battle resulted in the destrucion of Coronith and Rome becoming one of the most powerful civilizations in the Mediterranean sea
  • Jan 10, 1180

    agrarian reforms of gracchi

    agrarian reforms of gracchi
    Gracchi was a Roman Popularis politician. He caused political turmoil in the Republic with his reforms of agrarian legislation that sought to transfer wealth from the wealthy, patricians and otherwise, to the poor. These reforms threatened the holdings of rich landowners in Italy. He was murdered, along with many of his supporters, by members of the Roman Senate and supporters of the conserva
  • Period: Jan 10, 1190 to Jan 10, 1200

    73-71 BC spartacus slaves revolt

    Spartacus was a gladiator who was a Leader in one of the major slave uprisings in Rome. While the Romans were losing most of their battles, Spartacus made a deal with pirates to send them to sicily. The pirates took the money and left Spartacus who eventally lost.
  • Jan 10, 1210

    59 BC Julius Caesar wins the gaul campaign

    59 BC Julius Caesar wins the gaul campaign
    Julius Caeser went on a campaign to conquer Gaul with his own army. Because of the victory, he gained loyalty from his army and became feared by the Romans.
  • Jan 10, 1230

    46 BC Julius Caesar named first consul by senate or dictator for life

    Although the senate tried to avoid this, Julius's army scared the senate to force them to name Julius first consul.
  • Jan 10, 1240

    44 BC Julius Caesar is assassinated

    44 BC Julius Caesar is assassinated
    Fearing that Caeser would ruin the republic, on the ides of March, in a meeting Caeser got assassinated by the senate
  • Jan 10, 1250

    31 BC battle at actium between Mark Anthony and Octavian

    31 BC battle at actium between Mark Anthony and Octavian
    Mark Antony and Octavian fight for rights to be dictator after Julius Caeser.
  • Jan 11, 1260

    27 BC Octavian names himself Caeser Agustus

    After fighting with Mark Anthony for power, Octavian wins and assums his position as dictator and names himself Caeser Agustus
  • Jan 11, 1280

    14 AD Caesar Agustus dies

    Caesar Agustus dies setting up a long time of Roman peace known as Pax Romana
  • Jan 11, 1300

    25 AD Virgil writes the Aeneid

    25 AD Virgil writes the Aeneid
    Asked by Agustus Caeser, Virgil writes a story about how Rome came to be by creating a sequel to homer's storys about a trojan hero who moves to Rome
  • Jan 11, 1320

    79 AD Colosseum built

    79 AD Colosseum built
    During the Pax Romana, the Colosseum got built as a sign of power and wealth. The Colosseum was used as a form of entertainment for all of the city of Rome. People even got bread there as a source of food.
  • Jan 11, 1340

    180 AD End of Pax Romana

    Through all the troubles in Rome, Pax Romana ended with Marcus Aurelius being th elast leader during that time period. This led to the decline and eventually the fall of Rome
  • Jan 11, 1360

    300 AD Diocletian splits empire into east and west

    In hopes of keeping Rome alive, Diocletian reforms to split the empire into east and west segments. It did not work as intended and almost helped the fall of Rome
  • Jan 11, 1370

    313 AD Constantine declares religious tolerance through the Edict of Milan

    Constantine, another reformer, allowed all religions to be worshiped in Rome allowing Christianity and Judeasm to be Worshiped again in peace. He also move the capitol of Rome to the east and named it Constantinople.
  • Jan 11, 1390

    455 AD Vandals sacked Rome

    The sack of 455 was the second of three sacks of Rome; it was conducted by the Vandals, who were then at war with the usurping Western Roman Emperor Petronius Maximus.
  • Jan 11, 1410

    476 AD Odacer, chief of Visogoths, attacks rome and overthrows the last Roman emperor Romulus Agustus

    This was considered the end of the Roman empire. The emperor falls and aswell with the people.