
  • 800 BCE

    800 charlemagne is crowned emperor of western europe

    On Christmas Day, 800 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome Charlemagne was crowned emperor of Western Europe.
  • 476 BCE

    476 Collapse of the Roman Empire

    The Germanic leader Odoacer staged a revolt and deposed the Emperor Romulus Augustulus
  • 1042

    1042 Edward the confessor Becomes King of England

  • 1066

    1066 The Battle of hastings

    between the Norman-French army of William, the Duke of Normandy, and an English army under the Anglo-Saxon King Harold Godwinson, beginning the Norman conquest of England.
  • 1086

    1086 The Doomsday book is complied

    Domesday Book is a manuscript record of the "Great Survey" of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086 by order of King William the Conqueror.
  • 1096

    1096 The first crusade begins

    The first crusade has just began
  • 1099

    1099 The crusaders capture the holy city of jerusalem

    During the First Crusade, Christian knights from Europe capture Jerusalem after seven weeks of siege and begin massacring the city’s Muslim and Jewish population.
  • 1215

    1215 The magna carta is signed by king John of England

    The demands of the barons were recorded in the document known as the Articles of the Barons. Following further discussions with the barons and clerics led by Archbishop Langton, King John granted the Charter of Liberties, subsequently known as Magna Carta, at Runnymede on 15 June 1215.
  • 1315

    1315 The Great Famine of Europe

    The Great Famine of 1315–1317 was the first of a series of large-scale crises that struck Europe early in the 14th century. Most of Europe was affected.
  • 1317

    1337 Start of the hundred Years war between England and France

    By convention, the Hundred Years' War is said to have started on May 24, 1337, with the confiscation of the English-held duchy of Guyenne by French King Philip VI. This confiscation, however, had been preceded by periodic fighting over the question of English fiefs in France going back to the 12th century.
  • 1347

    1347 The black death sweeps across Europe

    The Black plague which turns parts of your body to black comes across europe
  • 1450

    1450 Johannes Gutenberg invents the first printing press

    Goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg was a political exile from Mainz, Germany when he began experimenting with printing in Strasbourg, France in 1440. He returned to Mainz several years later and by 1450, had a printing machine perfected and ready to use commercially: The Gutenberg press