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investidate event in the development of the internet
arpanat is considered to be the beginning of the internet.it was created by darpa(defense advanced research project agency) in the united states. as with a lot of new technology, it was developed for military purpose, although it was intitially a research project. the aim was to allow different bases to be able to share information, and this was tested with three terminals in three universities. although there had been other networking project -
newsgroups, bulletin boards
during the 1970s, a system called uswnwt developed, utilising the current network technology of the time. this allowed users to post to messages to newsgroup which could be read by all register members of that newsgroup. this system was decentralised, meaning that it was spread across several computers and not owned by any one person or company -
having developed a method of connecting computer together across a distance the next step eas communicating. the first image was sent across arpanet at 10;30pm on 29 october 1969. the concept of email was developed, and in 1971 ray tomlinson instigated the use of the @ symbol in adress for senders and recievers. the successful implementation of email secured the successful development of arpanet -
international packet-switched service,
the first packet switched networking, like arpanet, was created in 1978. it was a collaboration between western union( a us communications organisation) and the post office in the uk. this system was successful- the ipss network grew within europ and the united states and spread to australia, hong kong and canada -
TCP/IP protocol, national science foundation (NSF)
on 1 january 1983,all parts of arpanet and connected networks were officially converted using TCP/IP protocol, meaning that every part of the network could use the same method of