
By MIs100
  • When and where he born

    Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, a small village near Linz in the province of Upper Austria, not far from the German border, in what was then the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • Hotler dropped out of high scool

    At the age of sixteen, Hitler dropped out of high school without a degree.
  • Hitler volunteers in WW1

    On June 28, 1914, the First World War broke out; a week later, Hitler volunteered for the German Army and was assigned to a Bavarian regiment. The beginning of the war caused great enthusiasm in the young Hitler, who thought that an opportunity had come to change his life:
  • Hitler goes to the front

    After less than three months of training, Hitler was sent to the Western Front. He served in France and Belgium, as a courier for the 1st Company of the 6th Bavarian Reserve Division. He participated in the first battle of Ypres, where his unit was decimated in four days. At the end of the battle, of the initial 3,500 soldiers, only 600 could continue fighting.31
  • Hitler enters in politic

    On September 12,Hitler attended for the first time a DAP rally held in the Sterneckerbräu that was to have Dietrich Eckart as the main speaker, When in the final debate one of those present confronted Feder and began to defend Bavarian separatism, Hitler replied with a speech of such intensity that it caught the attention of Anton Drexler, who gave him a copy of his work My Political Awakening and encouraged to return and join the party.In the second half of that same month he entered the party.
  • Hitler continues in the army.

    At the end of the war, whose last phase was undoubtedly very important for his ideological evolution, Hitler realized that he did not have money, friends, family with connections, university studies or political experience; so he decided to try to continue in the Army, something quite complicated in the middle of the demobilization period, although he managed to remain in its ranks until March 31, 1920.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of his party,

    In the summer of 1921, Hitler was the leader of the party; he was not only the main speaker and propagandist, but he was also the main source of income for that revolutionary movement. Requesting dictatorial powers in the party, otherwise he would resign. Hitler succeeded him, becoming the undisputed leader of the Nazi Party. In this way, the principle of leadership was established, which formed the system of political government in Nazi Germany.
  • Hitler becoes the head of the state

    On January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg.Conservative politicians like Papen, and wealthy industrialists like Emil Kirdorf, thought that he would control the German revolutionary and make him work for their interests.But within a few weeks Hitler would prove more capable than these,and during his rule, many of those who helped him in his race to power would end up being executed, confined in concentration camps or fleeing into exile for their lives.
  • The war starts.

    On September 1, Germany invaded Poland. Having guaranteed assistance to Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3, but did not act immediately. Not long after, on September 17, Soviet forces invaded eastern Poland.
  • Hitler dies.

    In the last hours of the Battle of Berlin, on the afternoon of April 30, 1945, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin together with Eva Braun, understanding that the war was already lost for him. the Third Reich and wishing not to be captured by the Soviet troops advancing on the German capital.