
  • 10,000 BCE

    Development of Agriculture

    Development of Agriculture
    Evidence of agriculture dates all the way back to 10000 BCE. At this time, humans began the domestication of plants and animals, because the growth of communities were heavily dependent on the amount of food that was in the village, as it allowed the young to live and become adults to populate the generations to come. Domesticity was also evolved from a forager lifestyle.
  • 1520

    Invention of the Four Crop Rotation System

    Invention of the Four Crop Rotation System
    With the uprising in agriculture, a new and efficient system was invented, called the Four Crop Rotation System. This system was effective in stopping harmful cycles that would reduce the amount of crops grown. Furthermore, it also helped the land stay more fertile and retain its moisture better.
  • Creation of the First Steam Power Engine

    Creation of the First Steam Power Engine
    The first commercial steam-powered engine was created in 1698. It worked by heating the water into a gas state, which would then push the water, creating a heat powered water pump. It would later go on to be improved by other innovators, such as Thomas Newcomen who developed a much more efficient system in 1712.
  • Invention of the Seed Drill

    Invention of the Seed Drill
    As a method of planting seeds more efficiently, Jethro Tull invented a machine that makes seed planting much easier. It had a cart like design and rolled around, creating divots in the ground and placing small seeds for whatever crop in the holes.
  • Beginning of the Industrial Era and Introduction of Factories

    Beginning of the Industrial Era and Introduction of Factories
    By utilizing hydropower through water wheels, many factories began to appear and become popular work places. Factories were increasing in popularity due to their optimization in efficiency which would lead to more produce being made at a more affordable price maximizing profits.
  • Riots

    Many riots begin to occur, due to the introduction of more efficient machinery, taking the jobs of the laborers. Because they need the job to survive, laborers would sneak into factories at night destroying several of the improved machinery. However many of these riots would result in a bloodshed as they were killed.
  • Backlash from Riots

    Backlash from Riots
    Due to the increasing numbers of anonymous riots occurring where someone damages machinery, this crime is assigned the death sentence, so that there will be no more rioters.
  • Legalization of Trade Unions

    Legalization of Trade Unions
    Previously trade unions were illegal and were suppressed by acts such as the Combination Act, which restricted workers from taking strike on work, as it would get them arrested and thrown into jail. The legalization of trade unions meant that the labourers now had a bigger voice on the work conditions and wages they desired for how much intense labour they did.
  • Cholera Pandemic

    Cholera Pandemic
    Many people die due to the terrible quality in drinking water, as Cholera is found to have contaminated majority of it, killing over 10000 people. The spreading of Cholera lead many labourers to die reducing the work force.
  • First Law to protect children from child labour

    First Law to protect children from child labour
    Due to the uprising of jobs from the industrial revolution, many children were placed in dangerous and live threatening jobs. This lead to the introduction of a set of laws designed to protect children, the first being that the minimum age required to work was 12.