History: 600 AD to 1600 AD

By shiva
  • Nov 6, 1330

    The Black Death, Medievil Asia

    As of 1200, China had a population of 120 million, but 1393 cenus found only 65 million surviving, but many millions died of the bubonic plauge (The Black Death)
    The disease originally started in Asia, In 1334 this disease killed 5 million people Hebei Province ( about 90% of the population
  • Nov 6, 1340

    The black plauge EUROPE

    The black plauge EUROPE
    About one third of Europe's population died from the Black Death. Unfortunately many Jews were dead aswell due to the church leaders accused, tortured to admit that they have poisoned the wells, in result to kill the Christians. After many protests over 60 large and 150 smaller Jewish communities were destoryed due to the accusations.
  • Nov 4, 1348

    The Black Death, Medievil England

    The Black Death, Medievil England
    Medievil England, the Black Death killed an amount of 1.5 million people. No medical help was introduced into Endland to cope with the disease at the time. Later on in 1350 the Black death was thought to strike England another 6 times by the end of the century! Peasents were very worried to the fact that this horrible disease might be invading their villiage or home town
  • Nov 6, 1349

    Black death ruins Middle East

    Black death ruins Middle East
    When the Black Death went viral in Arabia killing a approx of the third of the population, it kept spreading around Islam and infected religious pilgrims. The Islamic world was destroyed by the black death. Muslims agreed with christians that the horrible disease was the work of god, they suprisingly didnt view it as a punishment.
  • Nov 6, 1381

    Peasant Revolt

    There were a few very harsh revolts during the Black Death, but one of the horrifying ones was the "Peasants Revolt" in 1381. A torturous system of punishments was enough to scare the peasents and stop them from causing trouble. The peseants were angry about how much they got paid to work, and the unfairness of life while the young king would live all luxurious and the peseants would have to work hard, or get tortured.