
  • 1300

    Renisance 1300-1600

    The Renisance Happened because there was a increase in population and food. The trade from Europe and the middle east increased.
  • 1346

    Black Death 1346-1353

    The black death was passed by rat fleas. It killed 75-200 million people, this was about 50 percent of the population. It took 200 years to repopulate Europe.
  • 1450

    The printing press 1450

    The printing press made it easier to make a mass production of books.
  • 1483

    Martin Luther 1483-1546

    Martin Luther was a cathlic monk. He has issues with of faith and work tied with salvation. He started Lutherism.
  • 1509

    John Calvin 1509-1564

    He was a french theologian. He was a pastor and reformer in Geneva During the protestant reformation.
  • 1517

    95 thesis 1517

    The 95 thesis were written by Martin Luther. He wrote them after reforming from the church.
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy

    The act that passed that allowed people to get a divorce. Doctrine was very close to cathlicism
  • 1564

    Shakespeare 1564-1616

    He wrote English play write. His plays are still preformed to this day.