
  • Constitution Act of 1982

    Constitution Act of 1982
    This act was a big landmark in Canadian history. Because it give Canada independence. This happened by allowing the country to change its Constitution It also enshrined the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Canada's Constitution, the highest law of the land.
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    Meech Lake Accord

    Brian Mulroney trying to win Quebec’s consent to the change some parts of the Canadian Constitution. It proposed to strengthen the provincial powers to make Quebec a “distinct society.”
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Half a million people protested that the berlin wall come down. This resulted in the fall of the Wall.
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    Oka Crisis

    This crisis happened because there was a proposal to expand a golf course. This would mean that there would be a development of townhouses on disputed land in Kanesatake. This meant it being bulit in a Kanyen'kehà:ka burial ground.
  • G.S.T

    GST/HST is a tax on supplies. This means most goods and services in Canada. Also in supplies of real property and personal property.
  • Desert Strom

    Desert Strom
    Desert Storm was a name of a operation. Desert Strom is an extensive aerial bombing campaign by the air forces. The targets were Iraq and Iraqi-occupied Kuwait.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union

    Collapse of the Soviet Union
    When the biggest country collapse because if multiple factors, like political policies, economics, and the defense spending.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    The accord was a failed attempt by Brian Mulroney and for all 10 provincial premiers to amend the Canadian Constitution.

    NAFTA stands for North American Free Trade Agreement. It was established as a free-trade zone in North America.
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    Rwandan Genocide

    The Rwandan genocide happened during the Rwandan Civil War. For around 100 days, members of the Tutsi minority ethnic group, as well as some moderate Hutu and Twa, were killed by armed Hutu militias.
  • 1995 Quebec Referendum

    The 1995 Quebec referendum was the second referendum that asked voters in Quebec if they wanted Quebec to be become an independent country.
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act were passed by the Canadian Parliament. This helped the transition to establish Nunavut Territory.
  • Nisga’a Frist Nation Treaty

    Nisga’a Frist Nation Treaty
    The Nisga'a Final Agreement is the first treaty in British Columbia that had provided constitutional certainty in respect of an Indigenous people. In Section 35 they had the right to vote right to self-government.
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    Canada in Afghanistan

    The war in Afghanistan was to end this safe haven for terrorists, to also stabilize the country and help the Afghan people after years of conflict.
  • 9/11

    It was a four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks planned by al-Qaeda against the United States. This attack caused the death of 2,996 people.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    Same-sex marriage was introduced by court in the beginning of 2003. But became legally recognized nationwide with the enactment of the Civil Marriage Act.
  • Residential School Apology

    Residential School Apology
    Canadian federal and provincial governments formally apologized for making the Residential schools, for the abuses that occured, the suffering at the schools, and for the negative effects caused by the school.
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    Vancouver Olympics

    The 2010 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXI Olympic Winter Games, was a international winter multi-sport event held from February 12 to 28, 2010 in Vancouver
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    Canada and Syrian Refugees

    Their is a ongoing conflict in Syria that has started one of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. Canada is currently accepting refugees
  • Tragically Hip’s Final Concert

    Tragically Hip’s Final Concert
    The concert was a farewell to lead singer Gord Downie. It was also a celebration of the band's impact on Canadian culture.