Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Jethro Tull, Seed drill
a sowing device that precisely positions seeds in the soil and then covers them -
Thomas Savery, Steam engine
Heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid -
Thomas Newcomen, Newcomen atmospheric engine
Fastest way for steam engine to work -
Charles Townshend, A crop rotation
It rotated crops on a four year basis and used turnips and clover as two of the crops in the rotation -
John Kay, Flying shuttle
It allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics, and it could be mechanized, allowing for automatic machine looms -
Edmund Cartwright, Power loom
a mechanised loom powered by a line shaft -
James Watt, Improved original steam engine
His engine was more effeicent -
James Hargreaves, spinning jenny
is a multi-spindle spinning frame -
Richard Arkwright, Spinning frame/ water frame
Spinning frame- spinning thread or yarn from fibres such as wool or cotton in a mechanized wayWater frame- water-powered spinning frame -
Samuel Crompton, Spinning mule
a machine used to spin cotton and other fibres in the mills of Lancashire and elsewhere -
Abraham Darby, Developed a method of producing pig iron in a blast furnace fuelled by coke rather than charcoal
Major step forward in making iron -
Henry Cort, Grooved Rollers in iron processing
Made better iron and made it faster -
Eli Whitney, Milling, cotton gin, interchangeable parts
Milling- process of using rotary cutters to remove material from a workpiece advancing in a direction at an angle with the axis of the toolCotton gin- a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seedsInterchangeable parts- are parts that are, for practical purposes, identical. -
George Stephenson, Built the first public inner-city railway
Allowes faster travel -
Henry Bessemer, Make steel inexpenisely
Town of Sheffield became a steel making inudstries