
By gauper
  • ww1

    Summary: After the assassination of arch duke Ferdinand all of Europe went into war as the rest of the world soon followed. The war was split in two with the allies(Britain, France, Canada, U.S.A) and axis (Japan, Germany, Italy). In the after math there was 25 million dead and total destruction of Europe. Significance: More than 660 000 soldiers were recruited and deployed in wwI, with 138 000 casualties. participated in some huge battles (Ypres, Vimmy Ridge and Normandy.)
  • holocaust

    Summary: When Hitler took power in 1933 he immediately ordered all Jewish people to be sent into work camps. these workcamps eventually turned into death camps and thus began a mass genocide of all Jewish people in Europe (an estimated 6 million Jews were killed. Significance: Canada began receiving lots of refugees from Germany running from Hitler and his tirade. Canada in the famous incident turned away a boat full of 600 Jews and sent them back to Germany to be killed.
  • wwII

    Summary: after Hitler try's invading France all allies declare war on Germany. this results in 5 years of the most brutal war ever leading to 60 000 000 deaths and completely demolishing all of Europe again. Significance: Canada was in many important battles in the war and sent over 1.1 million soldiers into combat also made a huge impact on the success of the allies.
  • atomic bomb

    atomic bomb
    Summary: Once ww2 started american professors began working on the Manhattan project. The Manhattan project was the creation of the atom bomb and lead to the bombing of nagasaki and hiroshima at the end of the war. Significance: Canada was a huge contributor in the progress of the Manhattan project, both supplying resources and helping develop the bomb.
  • korean war

    korean war
    Summary: when long-time tensions escalated between north and south korea the countries broke into war. america and canada immediately stepped in to try and resolve the issue while preventing casualties. Significance:canada began a mission to korea to help try and keep peace. canada sent 3 naval destroyers and 25 000 troops to help monitor the state. after 3 years very little had been resolved so they pulled out.
  • vietnam

    Summary: In 1955 a new communist government party took control of Vietnam and began tourturing and killing socialist citizens. most citizens began fleeing in fear of similar things happening. Significance: Canada immediately began taking refugees, its estimated that Canada took in over 4 000 refugees during the crisis.
  • suez crisis

    suez crisis
    Summary: Egyptians took back control of the Suez canal from Britain and France which prompted France Britain and America to attack Egypt to resume control. Significance: this became a pivotal point in Canadian history as it is when we create the U.N peace keepers. future prime minister Lester Pierson is called into U.N head quarters to try and resolve the issue were he proposes neutral soldiers to step in between conflict and keep peace. the peace keepers are now seen as one of our best ideas.
  • cuban missle crisis

    cuban missle crisis
    Summary: In 1962 the cold war was in full swing, both America and Russia were both very tense under lots of nuclear threats. What didn't help the situation was when American spy plane spotted Russian nukes in Cuba. Significance: America immediately told every NATO member to immediately put sanctions on Cuba and cut all ties with them. Despite this Canada maintained great relations with Cuba. Understandably this harshened relations with America slightly and caused mistrust
  • yugoslavia crisis

    yugoslavia crisis
    Summary: after 6 countries formed the peoples republic of yugoslavia, tensions rose between members within the faction which lead to many civil war and conflicts in europe. a peacekeeping operation was sent in to try and control the damage Significance: Canada took in many refugees from europe fleeing form the fighting. also sent U.N peace keepers to help keep peace.
  • rwanda genocide

    rwanda genocide
    Summary: After decades of conflict and tensions between Hutu and Tutsi the ice broke and began the slaughtering of Tutsis. more than 1 000 000 Tutsis died in half a year and sent africa in a state of despair. Significance: Canada was one of very few countries that tried to step in and help keep peace. France, Australia and Canada all put in an effort but it was futile in preventing deaths.