The establishment of the League of Nations
The Treaty of Versallies, which included the establishment of the League of Nations, was negotiated at the Paris Peace Conference -
Period: to
The League of Nations
It was founded in Geneva Switzerland -
The League of Nations
The League of Nations conveded its first council meeting. -
The USA did not joined the League
Despite, it being the brandchild of the US President, the USA was never a member of the League. -
Problem: An italian general was killed in a Greece territory. Mussolinni invaded the Greek island (Corfu)
Response: The League tried poorly to make Italy withdraw, but they did not. Greek had to apolise and pay conmpensation.
Effect: "The dispute showed that the weakest of the great powers could get his way when Britain and France agreed to sucrifice juatice for co-operation" -
The Daws Plan
To avert a terrible economic crisis in Germany, the USA lent money to Germany help it pay its reparations bill. -
Border dispute: Greece and Bulgaria
Problem: A greek soldier was killed in the Bulgarian border (beacuse of a dog). Greece invaded bulgarian. = Corfu dispute
Response: The League made Greace withdraw and pay compensations
Effect: Prevention of war
On the other hand, it showed that there is one rule for the large states (Italy) and another for the smaller ones (Greece). -
Economic recovery
At this time there was great optimism since chaos had been reduced (ie:Germany-Daws Plan), realising tension and increasing trades between nations. There was a great spirit of co-operation. -
Social problems
200.000 slaves were freeded by the League.
Also the League blacklisted huge companies which were involved in the legal drug trade. -
Germany joined the League
Germany had proved it was a peace loving country and so was aloud to joined the League of Nations. -
The Young Plan
Reduced Germany`s repartions payments. -
Wall street crash (Great Depression)
Problem: There was a major crash at the stock market (USA), when share prices on the New York Stock Exchange collapsed, causing economic problems throughout the world.
Effect: Damage the trade, industry and many people were unemployed. The damage of relations affected the co-operation and cause the isolation/protectionism.
Conclusion: The international spirit of the 1920`s was replaced by a more nationalist ¨beggar my own neighbour¨ approach in the 1930`s. -
Period: to
Manchurian crisis
Problem: Japan invaded Manchurian (in noth-east China)
Response: After a long dispute, no action was taken
Effect: Made the League seem week and innefective
1933: Japan left the League -
Period: to
Disarmament conference
Problem: Germany complianed that only it had disarmed
Response: League could not get other memebers to agree to disarm
Effect: Germany left the League and began to rearm openly.
League members such as Britain no longer tried to stop it.
League members also began to rearm themselves. -
The Hoare-Laval Pact
It was a secret dealing between the British and the French. It aim was to give two-thirds of Abyssinia to Mussolini in return for his calling of his invasion.
Problem and effect: The plan was later to be known by the French press and to usa who were disgusted and blocked the support the League`s sanctions. American oil producers actually stepped up their exports to italy. -
Period: to
Abyssianian crisis
Problem: Italy invaded Abyssinia
Response: League memebers coud not agree effective sanctions against Italy. Britain and France tried to do secret deal to give most of Albyssinia to Italy.
Effect: League was seen as powerless and irrelevant.
Italy left the league. -
The Outcome
Germany marched its troops into the Rhinland, an act prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles. French needed Italy`s help. Italy continued to defy League`s orders an annexed Abissania completly. The helplessly wachted Mussolini and Hitler signed an agreement : Rome-Berlin Axis. -
The League of Nations as a failure
The League had been a huge faliure. It was seen as irrelevant to international affairs.