Jan 1, 1497
Cabots discovery of newfoundland
Jan 1, 1534
Cartiers discovery of Canada
Champlain founds Quebec City
On the day when they discovered Quebec, they quickly constructed the first buildings from the start, the French and Aboriginal people would live side by side.During the first year, once the deep snows of Quebec had fallen, the dreaded disease of scurvy and smallpox also set in -
Maisonneuve founds Montreal
Hudson bay Company founded
The oldest commercial corporation in North America and one of the oldest in the world.It was a major fur trading business for much of its existence, today the Hudson's Bay Company owns and operates retail stores throughout Canada and the United States. -
Treaty of Utrecht
Battle of Louisbourg
Fall of Quebec
Paris Treaty
Quebec Act
Northwest Company Founded
The North West Company was a fur trading business headquartered in Montreal from 1779 to 1821. It competed with increasing success against the Hudson's Bay Company in what was to become Western Canada. The two companies were forced to merge later on -
Consitution Act
Red River Settlement founded
End of the War of 1812
Union Act
Charlottetown Conference Confederation
Manitoba joins Canada
Northwest Rebellion
Louis Reil is executed
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Battle of Ypres II
Battle of the Somme
Treaty opf Versailles
Responsible government
Start World War II
Two million troops waited in Europe and five beaches were to be attacked and Canada invaded Juno Beach -
Hitlers Suicide
Hitler commited suicide and on the same day his wife Eva also commited suicide with him. -
Voctory In Europe day
Armistic Day