
  • Dutch captain, Dirk Hartog makes the second recorded landfall by a European at Dirk Hartog Island on the western coast of Australia.

  • VOC ship, Mauritius, under command of Supercargo Willem Janszoon, lands near North West Cape, near the modern town of Exmouth.

  • The English ship Tryall sights Point Cloates on the west coast of Australia

  • The Tryall wrecks on Tryal Rocks, northwest of the Montebello Islands.

  • Dutch captain Jan Carstensz navigates the Gulf of Carpentaria aboard the Pera and Arnhem.

  • VOC ship Batavia wrecks on Houtman Abrolhos, off Geraldton.

  • Dutch explorer Abel Tasman explores the west coast of Tasmania, lands on its east coast and names the island Anthoonij van Diemenslandt.

  • The Vergulde Draeck strikes a submerged coral reef midway between what are now the coastal towns of Seabird and Ledge Point, Western Australia.

  • English navigator John Daniel on the New London charts the west coast of Australia.

  • Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh charts the southwestern coast of Australia.

  • The First Fleet of 11 ships, led by Governor Arthur Phillip, depart from Great Britain for Australia to begin European colonisation.

  • The remaining seven ships of the First Fleet, led by HMS Sirius, anchor in Botany Bay.

  • Captain Arthur Phillip sights the coast of Van Diemen's Land.

  • Captain Arthur Phillip arrives with the First Fleet to establish British Penal Colony at Sydney Cove.

  • 5 of 6 ships of the beleaguered Second Fleet arrive.

  • First Nations Peoples begin to be forced into missions

  • The British government formally names teh great southern land 'Australia'

  • The Black War of Tasmania begins

  • Melbourne is established in what is now Port Phillip Bay

  • First Prussian settlers arrived in South Australia; the largest group of non-British migrants in Australia at the time

  • New Zealand was proclaimed as a separate colony, no longer part of New South Wales

  • Port Phillip colony separates from NSW and is named Victoria. The Australian gold rush begins

  • The Eureka Stockade took place

  • All men, including First Nations People, are given teh right to vote in South Australia

  • The Aboriginal Protection Act is passed in Victoria

  • The Education Act makes public education free, secular and compulsory in Victoria

  • Uluru was first sighted by Europeans, and named Ayers Rock

  • A National Australasian Convention met and agreed on adopting the name "the Commonwealth of Australia," also drafting a constitution

  • South Australian women including First Nations Peoples are given the right to vote

  • Australia becomes a federation