The Power of Ideas

By jdt7896
  • 1524

    France Begins to Explore the Caribbean

    France Begins to Explore the Caribbean
    France began its exploration of the Caribbean. Many other European countries were exploring, and France sought to make a name and stake a claim for itself. The exploration was necessary to keep up with economic growth.
  • The Globe Theater Burns Down

    The Globe Theater Burns Down
    London was an epicenter for European culture and economic growth. The progress in Europe culminated in free time for plays and an appreciation for entertainment.
  • London's Coffee House Craze

    London's Coffee House Craze
    London had a pop of culture that lasted for hundreds of years. The ideas and discoveries that were discussed in these coffee houses had a direct impact on ideological and political advancements in Europe and America.
  • French Run Sugar Plantation at Saint Domingue

    French Run Sugar Plantation at Saint Domingue
    After the French exploration, France settled in Saint-Domingue and created one of the most successful and cruel sugar plantations. France sought to keep up with the global market and the economic growth in Europe.
  • William Penn Establishes Pennsylvania

    William Penn Establishes Pennsylvania
    With the search for intellectual freedom came the search for religious freedom. England was booming with new ideas and innovations, while the church and the monarchy were cracking down. Pennsylvania was settled with the promise of religious freedom.
  • Voltaire is Born

    Voltaire is Born
    Voltaire was one of the leading French philosophers during the Enlightenment. The ideas and views about religion and government were spreading like wildfire in Europe during this era. Voltaire was influential in France, as well as the rest of Europe.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. The people of Philadelphia were affected by the new ways of thought from England and a yearning to be their own people.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitians grew tired of being governed by an outside force. They fought for their freedom to be their own country, much like the United States and Great Britain.
  • Working Class movement

    Working Class movement
    Lasting from 1800-1926, the restructuring of the working class was influential to London, as well as the rest of Europe. This movement of the lower classes was brought on by the new ideas and questioning taking place all over the world. The common man was feeling his purpose and his voice.
  • World Fair in Paris

    World Fair in Paris
    The World Fair for Paris opened. Paris sought to keep up with her European counterparts and display her technological advances. Paris boasted a Human Zoo--a pinnacle of their disregard for human life.
  • US Occupation of Haiti

    US Occupation of Haiti
    America forgot their own fight for independence and sought to control Haiti during wartime. The Haitians had their freedom forcibly removed, but this time it was by a fellow freed country.
  • Women Gain the Right to Vote

    Women Gain the Right to Vote
    While the working class's rights were being re-structured in England, women sought the right to vote in America. The western world was slowly becoming a place where everyone had a voice and a value.