History 2014

  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1460

    Timespan of Medieval Europe

  • Jan 1, 660

    First Emperor- Jimmu

    First Emperor- Jimmu
    Emperor Jimmu was the first Emperor of Japan. He is also known as Kanuyamato Iwarebiko. He is born January the 1st 711BCE. He was an emperor from 660BCE to 585BCE. He claimed his thrown on Jimmu descent. His personal names were Wakamikenu no Mikoto or Sano no Mikoto. He died March the 11th 585BCE.
  • Sep 28, 1066

    Norman Invasion Of England

    Norman Invasion Of England
    The Norman Invasion of England began on the 28th of September 1066. Norman, Breton, and French soldiers were led by William the Conqueror. William the Conqueror invaded England because he wanted to be the king and take the throne from Harold. 7000 soliders were at Pevensy in the morning ready to begin the war.
  • Jan 1, 1068

    Warwick Castle

    Warwick Castle
    Warwick castle is a medieval castle. It was built by William the Conqueror in 1068. It is located on a bend on the River Avon in Warwickshire, England. In the 12th century it was rebuilt to stone. In 1604 it was given to Sir Fulke Greville and converted to a country house. It was owned by the Greville family, who became earls of Warwick in 1759. In 1978 the Tussauds Group bought the castle.
  • Jan 1, 1070

    Windsor Castle

    Windsor Castle
    Windsor Castle was built around 1070 and was fully built 16 years later. It was located high above the river Thames and on the edge of a Saxon hunting ground. The site was choosen by William The Conqueror. It was made as a defence of the invasion. In 1170s Henry II rebuilt the castle using stone instead of wood. In 1360s Edward III, who was born at Windsor extended the castle.
  • Jan 1, 1189

    King Richard the Lion heart

    King Richard the Lion heart
    King Richard was one of the most famous kings known. He was born on the 8 of september 1157 in Oxford, England and died on the 6th of April 1199 which was caused in war. He was the 3rd son of King Henry II and was well known because he had power. King Richard the lion heart was king for a year 1189-1189.
  • Jan 1, 1221

    Burgos Cathedral

    Burgos Cathedral
    The Burgos Cathedral is a medieval cathedral in Burgos, Spain. This chuch was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The church was constructed in 1221 and was completed in 1567. The construction of the cathedral was organised by King Ferdinand III. In 1919 the cathedral became the burial place of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar and his wife Doña Jimena.
  • Jan 1, 1274

    The mongols try to inade Japan

    The mongols try to inade Japan
    The Mongol invasion of Japan was led by Kublai Khan. In 1268 he sent a letter threating the country to pay tribute or suffer invasion. In 1274 the invasion occurred. In November a navy of 40000 people were shipped to Korea. They demolished Tsushima and Iki Island. On the 18th of November they fought the Japanese Defence who had explosive bombs. That night the Mongols returned home on their ship but there was a severe storm which sunk 200 ships and killed 13000 Mongol soldiers.
  • Nov 17, 1333

    Black Death in China

    Black Death in China
    On the 17th of November 1333 the Black Death erupted in China which killed two thirds of the population. Since China was well known as one of the busiest world trading it didn’t take long for the plague spread to Western Asia and Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    Other countries affected by the Plague

    Other countries affected by the Plague
    The south of England was infected by the plague by June 1348. It came to Great Britain in 1349. It reached London on the 1st of November 1348. In London and Bristol the Plague killed 35 to 40% of the population. In Winchester 50% of the population was killed by the plague.
  • Jan 18, 1348

    The Plague reached the Black Sea

    The Plague reached the Black Sea
    On the 18th of January 1346 the plague reached the Black Sea. It spread across China to Europe from the Silk Road. It took a while for the plague to hit the Black sea. The Black Death was a plague carried to countries by trading ships. Flees were carried on the rats which made the flees bite humans.
  • Apr 20, 1348

    The Plague reached Italy

    The Plague reached Italy
    On the 20th of April 1348 those who escape the plague travelled to Italy, but mainly all people had caught it. Before they arrived in Italy they had already died of the plague. People who had discovered them had caught the plague and spread it to their families and people of Italy.
  • Apr 5, 1349

    3000 Jews killed in Germany

    3000 Jews killed in Germany
    3,000 Jews were killed in Black Death. These Jews had been accused for poisoning wells. As a result of this blame, Christians everywhere in Europe went on a murderous storm against the Jews, burning them alive wherever they found them. In August 1349, the Jewish communities of Mainz and Cologne were killed. In February 1349, the citizens of Strasbourg murdered 2,000 Jews. By 1351, 60 major and 150 smaller Jewish communities had been destroyed.
  • Jan 1, 1482

    The birth of Venus Painting

    The birth of Venus Painting
    The birth of Venus was painted in 1482 and was completed in 1485. The painting was created by Sandro Botticelli. The painting is now on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. It is the world’s most famous painting. Venus is portrayed naked on a shell on the seashore, on the left the wind blows gently moving her hair, on the right a handmaid (Ora) waits for the goddess to get closer and the meadows are sprinkled with violets as a symbol of love.
  • Jan 1, 1494

    French and Spain invade Italy

    French and Spain invade Italy
    In 1494 the French and Spain army invaded Italy. The people that led the invasion was Charles VIII, Gilbert Count of Montpensier, Ferdinand II of Naples, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Francesco II of Marquess. Charles VIII organised a group of 25,000 men for this invasion. The Invasion of Italy happened because both Spain and France wanted to control the Italian people.
  • Jan 1, 1501

    Michelangelo famous statue of David

    Michelangelo famous statue of David
    Michelangelo created a sculpture of David in 1501 and was completed in 1504. The sculpture is 5.17 metres tall. It is a statue of a male standing nude which is fully made out of marble. The statue represents the Biblical Hero David. The statue is placed inside the public square, outside the Palazzo Della Signoria in Florence. It was shown to everyone on the 8th of September 1504. In 1873 the statue was moved to the Academia Gallery in Florence and was later replaced at the original location by
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Mona Lisa Painting

    Mona Lisa Painting
    The Mona Lisa was painted in 1503 and was complete in 1506. It was created by an Italian painter, draftsman, sculpture, architect and engineer Leonardo Da Vinci. It was painted on a wood panel using oil paint. It is one of the most famous paintings. It is hung in the Louvre, Paris.
  • Apr 18, 1506

    The construction of St Peter Basilica began

    The construction of St Peter Basilica began
    The St Peter Basilica church is located within Vatican City. It was designed by Donato Bramante, Michelangelo, Carlo Maderno and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This church is one of the largest church in the world. Construction on the Basilica began on the 18th of April 1506 and was completed on the 18th of November 1626.
  • Jun 21, 1582

    Oda Nobunaga death

    Oda Nobunaga death
    Oda Nobunaga was born in 1534 in Owari Province, Japan. In 1549 he controlled all of Owari. Oda Nobunaga died on June the 21st 1582. He was killed by Mutsuhito at the Incident at Honnoji. Oda Nobunaga was famous for joining japan under the rule of the shoguns.
  • Mount Fuji erupts

    Mount Fuji erupts
    Mount Fuji is the highest volcano. The large volcano has a base diameter of almost 50 km. The volcano covers several older volcanoes which were active 10,000 - 100,000 years ago. The last eruption of Mt Fuji was in 1707–08. Between 2000 and 2001, activity under the volcano slightly raised levels which possible reawakening of the volcano. The eruption started on the 16th of December 1707. On the first day of the eruption, 72 houses and 3 Buddhist temples were destroyed in Subassiri town which was
  • Commodore Matthew Perry arrives in Japan

    Commodore Matthew Perry arrives in Japan
    Matthew Perry was the Commodore of the United States Navy. On July the 8th 1853 he commanded a squad of two steamers and two sailing vessels to sail into Tokyo harbour. They forced Japan to enter into trade with the US and demanded a trade opening Japanese ports to the U.S merchant ships.