276 BCE
Eratosthenes was born
240 BCE
Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the earth
194 BCE
Eratosthenes Died
Claudius Ptolemy
Ptolemy was convinced that the Earth was the center of the Universe. He made calculations on the rotations and was accepted as one of the greatest astrologists.
Claudius Ptolemy
Copernicus releases his ideas on the Earth revolving around the Sun to his close friends.
Copernicus publishes his book
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei was born
Galileo believed the heliocentric view
Galileo discovered that Copernicus was right
Galileo's astronomical observation had a visible supernova
Galileo saw Jupiter's moons orbit which contradicted the idea that Earth was the center of the universe
Galileo Galilei died
Isaac Newton was born
Newton had a theory about gravity when he questions an apple falling
Discovered the laws of motion and gravity
Newton discovered white light is made of all colors (published 1762)
Isaac Newton died
Charles Darwin was born
Marie Curie was born
Alfred Wegener was born
Charles Darwin died
Polonium Discovery
Marie Curie discovered Polonium, which is 400 times more radioactive than any other known element at the time. -
Radium Discovery
Marie discovers radium, which is 900 times more radioactive than polonium. -
Rays of Polonium and Radium
Marie discovered the rays of polonium and radium were tiny atoms that were disintegrated inside the elements. -
Haary Hammond Hess was born
Wegener co wrote The Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere
Alfred Wegener dies
Marie Curie dies
Harry Hess discovered the ocean floor wasn't smooth
Harry Hammond Hess dies