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  • Canadian Soldiers

    Canadian Soldiers
    -2 The Canadian soldiers that fought in WW1 was the worst event imaginable in these 15 years.
  • Period: to

    The (Roaring?) 20’s

  • Women’s rights

    Women’s rights
    +2, this was the first step to women being equal to men both rights wise and just socially wise and half of the population gaining rights is a huge accomplishment.
  • Minority groups

    Minority groups
    -1 minority groups were placed into prisons just on suspicion and they were still treated like animals in some parts of Canada.
  • Workers

    +1, workers got tons of extra help from machinery and they didn’t have to work as long or as hard and quality of the workspace was better.
  • Technology

    +1, farming became much easier and technology advanced 10 times quicker during he war than it would have normally.
  • Independence

    +0.5, Canada took the last step to finally separated itself from Britain for good.
  • Farming

    +1 farming became much easier and made a massive impact on amounts of food coming in but farmers got less work.
  • Economy

    -2, the economy blew up and everyone went broke and life wasn’t good for most people, we are still recovering from WW1 to this day.