
  • Weimar rep signing treaty

    it was significant because it required Germany to decrease its military, accept responsibility for World War I, lose some of its land, and pay costly money to the Allies.
  • Hitler wrote "My struggle"

    People who didn't like him read the book and thought the ideas were actually really good, and those who didn't like him changed their minds after reading it.
  • Hitler ran for president

    He ran for president and lost, but he was still able to increase the number of people who voted for him from 2% to 18%.
  • Reichstag fire

    the fire was blamed on the communist and led to Htler getting Emergency enabling act
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    After the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933, providing Hitler increased authority, Hitler came to power in March 1933. After a series of parliamentary elections and backroom intrigues, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933.
  • Von Hidenbery died

    Hindenburg became a national hero for his early successes, but his use of submarine warfare later dragged the United States into battle. Following his retirement in 1919, he became president of the Weimar Republic in 1925, and died shortly after appointing Adolf Hitler as German chancellor.