
By Nfogal
  • 1831 Nat Turner

    1831 Nat Turner
    Nat Turner incited an uprising. It spread through several plantations in south Virginia
  • 1846-1850 Wilmot Proviso

    1846-1850 Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was a pice of legislation proposed by David Wilmot at the close of the Mexican American war. If passed the proviso would have put lawned slavery in aquiered states.
  • 1850 the compermise of 1850

    1850 the compermise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 admitted California as free state and did not regulate slavery. North had to seize run away slaves
  • 1852 uncle toms cabin

    1852 uncle toms cabin
    Uncle toms cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe’s fictional explanations of slavery life. Northern felt as if there eyeshadow been opened to the horrors of slavery
  • 1854-1859 bleeding Kansas

    1854-1859 bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas under popular sovereignty it is the residence of the territory who diced by popular referendum if the state is to be free or enslaved
  • 1857 Dred Scott vs Sanford

    1857 Dred Scott vs Sanford
    Dred Scott was a Virginia slave who tried to sue for freedom in court. Ruled as “property” he had no legal rights
  • 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    Stephen Douglas faced a challenge for his seat by Abraham Lincoln they debated about the antebellum of slavery
  • 1859 John Brown raid

    1859 John Brown raid
    John Brown he and 19 supporters armed with Beecher’s Bibles lead a raid on the federal ar,Roy major role in starting the civil war
  • 1860 Abraham Lincoln

    1860 Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was elected by a considerable margin in 1860. South Carolina secede from the union
  • 1861 the battle of fort sumpter

    1861 the battle of fort sumpter
    Lincoln sent fresh supplies to the beleaguered garrison. The garrison surrendered on April 14