History 1914-1929

By Dauphin
  • -2 Beginning of WW1

    -2 Beginning of WW1
    Political Change
    The WW1 began with the Assassination of Ferdinand of Austria in 1914. It was then that two different kinds of alliances began to be created, the central power with Germany, the Ottoman Empire etc.. and the allied power with Great Britain, Canada and US. Canada is a country with close relationships with GB, their declaration of war brought Canada in it.
    At this moment Canada started to send men overseas, in 1914 the estimation of poeplle who have been sent is 52,561 enlisted.
  • +1 Battle of the Somme

    +1 Battle of the Somme
    Political Change
    The battle of the Somme was definetly a progress for Canada as it was a victory but it was also bloodbath this is why it is ranted +1. The battle lasted 5 months and the advances were slow. The allies lost approximatevely 650 000 men which include 24 000 canadians.
  • +1 Battle of Vimy Ridge

    +1 Battle of Vimy Ridge
    Political and military change
    I considered this event +1 because it was progressing. Canada won this battle after a few days of battle, it was also the first time the 4 Canadian divisions fought together. This battle showed the power that Canada has, the Germans were terrified by the Canadians divisions. More than 10,600 Canadians were killed in this assault this is why it is not rated +2 progress. This battle is the most celebrated military victory, it is very symbolic for Canadians.
  • +2 Armistice

    +2 Armistice
    Political Change
    The armistice is meaning of great progress, it's the end of an international 4 years war that killed millions of people from all around the world, devasted our economy, and changed profoundly our cultures. The armistice was signed the 11 November 1918 in a railroad car outside Compiégne, and the "cease-fire" was done at 11h. It was approved by the Allied represented by French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, and Germany. This armistice is the beginning of a new era.
  • -1 Spanish Flu

    -1 Spanish Flu
    Social Change
    The Spanish Flu is a virus that touched Canada between 1918 and 1920. The Spanish Flu attacked particularly young adults from 20 to 40 years old. It killed more than 50,000 Canadians. The government imposed quarantine and masks in public places to regulate the situation. This virus was very similar to Covid, it happened by waves, with no vaccine or medicine effective and in the middle of a war, Canada was very vulnerable.
  • +2 league of nations

    +2 league of nations
    Political change
    At the begining of 1920, the League of Nations was created, it's goal: international cooperation to maintain world Peace.It is the first international organisation. It's president and creator was Woodrow Wilson, his idea was to follow his 14 points to be able to rebuild Europe. By creating this organisation, he made every country of the world depend from the others which means that a future was would be devastator and almost impossible.
  • +2 first woman member of Parliement

    +2 first woman member of Parliement
    Social Change
    Agnes Macphail was the first women elected at the house of Commons. She was from a progressive party called the United Farmers of Canada. She fought during 19 years at the Parliement for the equal pay equal work for women, disarmement and prison reform. She is a big progress for the world of women, she is the first women at the Parliement but also the first women at the Leagues of Nations.
  • +1 Olympics

    +1 Olympics
    Social change
    The Olympics happened in Amsterdam in 1928. It was progress as it was a competition that people could watch with a TV or listen to the radio and enjoy. It was very entertaining for the population. The Olympics were an international event where the countries are represented. During this year, Canada was represented by 62 people who competed in 8 different sports. They won 15 medals.
  • -2 Great crash

    -2 Great crash
    economic change
    The great crash happened in 1929, and it was a great disaster. It all started with a wave of panic on Wall Street. the banks of Montreal and Toronto resulted in a loss of millions of dollars every few times, for companies, the stock market had crashed. people were losing their money and their jobs, it was the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • +2 broadcasting

    +2 broadcasting
    Economic change
    During the towing twenties, the first radios with broadcasting started to appear. This new technology created a huge wave, everyone wanted one. With it, you were able to listen to lives about music, education, news, etc... wherever you wants. That was a revolution for this time.
    Despite this, the American broadcast was still better than the Canadian one. t was not until 1929 that the stations in Montreal and Toronto joined the American network and therefore became more popular.