Jan 2, 632
Rise of the Islam
Rise of the Islam started after the death of Muhammed in 632 CE.muslims conquerd most of the Middle East. -
Jan 1, 1066
Battle of Hastings
Battle of Hastings was 7 miles from Hastings and was the invation f the normans, led by william the conquerer, on England. The Normans won the battle and introduced Faudilism to Medieval Europe. -
Jan 1, 1096
The First Crusade
The first crusade was when the christians who where told by the pope that if they fought they would go to heaven, attempted to re-capture Jerusalem. -
Oct 1, 1347
The Black Death
The Black death was spread by rats from 12 trading ships that came from the black sea. -
Jan 1, 1381
Peasants Revolt
the peasents revolt was a big uprising in medievil europe, england. -
Aug 13, 1400
The Renaissance
The period of the Europiean history reffered to as the Renaissance a time of great social and cultrual change in Europe. -
The Silk road
The silk road is a trading route that went from europe through asia.