History - :)

  • Japan Conqueres...

    Japan conquers Manchuria, in North Carolina
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hilter is appointed German chancellor and sets up Dachau concentration camp.
  • Stalin Begins Great Purge

    Stalin claimed that Nikolayev was part of a larger conspiracy led by Leon Trotsky against the Soviet government. The significance of the Great Purge was that it enabled Stalin to totally control the party, as it even consumed the first wave of persecutors.
    The purges were designed to remove from the party those people, and their followers, who Stalin thought were disloyal (to him) or who had rival power bases - like Trotsky.
  • Fascist Italy

    Fascist Italy
    Fascist Italy invades, conquers, and annexes Ethiopia. It was a brief colonial war that is also remembered in history as the second Italo-Abyssinian war..Mussolini, who was the leader of Italy, had his eye set on annexing Ethiopia into Italy’s newly created colony of East Africa
  • Rome...

    Rome-Berlin Axis is announced.
    The Italian invasion and annexation of Abyssinia had strained relations between Italy and its allies Britain and France, and Benito Mussolini finally repudiated Italy's alliance with them. Hitler then began planning to draw fascist Italy into an alliance with Nazi Germany.
  • Japan invades china

    Japan invades china
    Japan invades China, initiating World War II in the Pacific....The Japanese Kwantung Army turned a small incident into a full-scale war. Chinese forces were unable to effectively resist the Japanese.
  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
    Japan invades China, initiating World War II in the Pacific. ON JULY 7, 1937 a clash occurred between Chinese and Japanese troops near Peiping in North China. When this clash was followed by indications of intensified military activity on the part of Japan, Secretary of State Hull urged upon the Japanese Government a policy of self-restraint.
  • Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss

    Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss
    "Der Anschluss" is a German noun that means "a connection.. The Anschluss violated Article 80 of the Treaty of Versailles, the terms of which had been drawn up by the victorious Allies without the participation of the Germans
  • Under German pressure

    Under German pressure
    Under German pressure, the Slovaks declare their independence and form a Slovak Republic. The Germans occupy the rump Czech lands in violation of the Munich agreement, forming a Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
  • France and Great Britain

    France and Great Britain
    France and Great Britain guarantee the integrity of the borders of the Polish state -
  • Italy

    Italy enters the war. Italy invades southern France on June 21.
    The Italian invasion of France in June 1940 was a small-scale invasion that started near the end of the Battle of France during World War II
  • Germany Italy and Japan

    Germany Italy and Japan
    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. - On this day in 1940, the Axis powers are formed as Germany, Italy, and Japan become allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact in Berlin. The Pact provided for mutual assistance should any of the signatories suffer attack by any nation not already involved in the war.
  • Ustasa movement

    The leaders of the terrorist Ustasa movement proclaim the so-called Independent State of Croatia. Recognized immediately by Germany and Italy, the new state includes the province of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Croatia joins the Axis powers formally on June 15, 1941.
  • US declares war on Japan

    US declares war on Japan
    The United States declares war on Japan, entering World War II. Japanese troops land in the Philippines, French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia), and British Singapore. By April 1942, the Philippines, Indochina, and Singapore are under Japanese occupation.
  • Nazi Delcares War

    Nazi Germany and its Axis partners declare war on the United States .
  • US and British troops

    US and British troops
    US and British troops land at several points on the beaches of Algeria and Morocco in French North Africa. The failure of the Vichy French troops to defend against the invasion enables the Allies to move swiftly to the western border of Tunisia, and triggers the German occupation of southern France on November 11. .
  • Tunisia surrenders

    Tunisia surrenders
    Axis forces in Tunisia surrender to the Allies, ending the North African campaign. . After being surrounded on both sides by Allied forces, the Axis forces had no choice but to surrender. Axis powers lost 275,000 experienced soldiers when they surrendered. This defeat led to the Allied powers capturing much of North Africa.
  • British and Us Troops success

    British and Us Troops success
    British and US troops successfully land on the Normandy beaches of France, opening a “Second Front” against the Germans. The landings commenced on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 (D-Day), beginning at 6:30 am British Double Summer Time
  • Us troops land in philippines .

    Us troops land in philippines .
    US troops land in the Philippines...On this day in 1944, more than 100000 American soldiers land on Leyte Island, in the Philippines, as preparation for the major invasion by Gen
  • Hitlers kills himself

    Hitlers kills himself
    Hitler commits suicide.. Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol, on this day in 1945, as his "1,000-year" Reich collapses above him