
  • Railway

    -Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia wanted to link railway togethere
    -The railway linking the colonies was needed to increase trade and to move troops
  • Charlottetown Conference

    -The Maritime colonies decided to meet together to hold their own meetings in Charlottetown
    -This Conference is the first one out of 3 conference
  • Quebec Conference

    -The Quebec Conference is held, and the 72 Resolutions are made as well as blueprints for Canada.
    -The Quebec Conference is the second conference
  • Reciprocity treaty

    -There was free trade between BNA the colonies and the United States under the Reciprocity
  • London Conference

    -This Conference is when they name the place "Canada"
    - This conference was the deliberation that lead to the official Canadian Confederation
  • Nova Scotia,Ontario,Quebec,New brunswick join the Canadian Confederation

    -Sir John Alexander Macdonad becomes first prime minister of Canada
    -They all join the Confederation at 1867
  • Manitoba and Northwest Territories join the Canadian Confederation

    -When the Canadian government just own Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory the Métis were afraid that they would lose their rights.
    --If they had their own government it would be easier to keep their way of life.
  • British Columbia join the Canadian Confederation

    -The colonies owed a lot of money, and they knew they could get some economic help from Canada.
    -Many people in British Columbia and Ottawa feared that the United States might try to take over the colonies.
  • PEI join the Canadian Confederation

    -The Island had borrowed a lot of money to build a railway, and could not pay back its debts. Canada agreed to help them pay this money.