Air Traffic Controllers Strikr
A strike from air traffic controllers that were demanding a $10,000 raise, a new 32 hour work week, and a better retirement package. -
Equal Access Act
Provided funding for secondary schools to provide access to after-school clubs. -
Gramm Rudman Hollings Act
Designed to reduce the buget deficit. Provided automatic spending cuts. -
Iran Contra Scandal
Illegal funding and arming of Nicaragua. As well as illegally treading arms with Iran for the excahnge/release of 7 hostages. -
Westside Community School District vs. Mergens
Students wanted to create a Christian club, but the school would not allow it. Ruling was that the students had the right to create the club. -
Reno vs. ACLU
Found that the Communications Decency Act was unconstitutional under the First Amendment. -
Mitchell vs. Helms
Case that declared equipment be provided to public, private, and parochial schools. -
Bush vs. Gore
Resolved the 2000 Presidentail Election, in George Bush's Favor.