Japanese forces in Pearl Harbor
The Pearl Harbor naval base was recognized by both the Japanese and the United States. The U.S Navy had been explored the issue during some of it's interwar "Fleet Problems".Nagumo took the ships to sea on Nov.26 1941, with orders to abort the mission if he was discovered, or should diplomacy work an unanticipated miracle. -
Pearl Harbor
The December 7, 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl harbor. A single planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's. The tranquil waters of Pearl were forever disrupted by the tides of the war. -
Manila and the U.S Naval base.
The U.S Naval base at Cavaite was evacuated before the enemy entered Manila. All records, equipment, and stores that were not destroyed by bombing were removed.All ships and Naval personnel were removed from the Manila-Cavite area prior to enemy occupation. -
"My Day" President Roosevelt.
This individual has done a good job, has been several years in a position which requires special training.The position is not in jeopardy because of inefficency. It is an jeopardy because all positions held under Civil service, are sometimes tampered with and used for personal ends. -
Japanese executes nearly 100 American prisoners on Wake Island. Commander of the Japanese garrison on the island, orders the execution of 96 Americans. They were claiming that they were trying to make radio contact with the U.S forces. -
British and Indian troops.
British and indian troops recapture Maungdaw in Burma. On Feb 24, 1944 Merrill's Marauders began a ground campaign in Northern Burma. Gen.Wingate's groups began operations behind Japanese lines in Burma. -
By mid-1944 early mobilization of manpower and resources in America was beginning to pay off. American industrial production had reached its wartime peak late in 1943. By the beginning of June 1944, the United States and Great Britian had gained in the British Isles the largest number of men and the greatest amount of materiel ever assembled to launch an attack. -
Japanese troops.
The Japanese seized Manchuria in 1931, and began a war against China in 1937. Only the United States stood in Japan's path. The U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor was the only force. -
The Allies.
Japanese occupation of Burma in 1942 had cut off the last land route by which the allies could deliver aid to the Chinese Government. Allies were finally able to attempt the reconquest of Burma. Meanwhile in Western Burma the Japanese had launched a very powerful counterattack toward imphal and Kohima. -
Hitler and the Nazis had a deep-seated hatred for Russian communist. War between Germany and the USSR was probably inevitable.Stalin used the early years of the war to make territorial gains for himself.