1st Electricity
First electtricity from a nuclear power plant a "breeder" research reactor Arco,Idaho. The plant powered for lightbulbs. -
US Testing
US tests the world's first hydrogen bomb. -
China begins nuclear development. -
First American Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Sixty Mega-Watt capacity in Shippingport,PA. -
France tested its first nuclear bomb. -
Chernobyl Nuclear Plant (Ukraine)
Reactor explosions at CNP ignite the surrounding graphite, because Chernobyl had no containment the fire smoke spread radioactive material widely. -
Pakistan conducts its first nuclear test. -
IAEA inspectors find evidence of nuclear activities in Iran. -
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission receieves first full power plant application in 28 years. By 2011 26 potential licensed applications are being reviewed. No license yet issued. -
Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake an ensuing tsunami devastate North Eastern Japan damaging Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant. -
Nuclear power plant
This year 442 nuclear power plants are operating in 30 countries totalling over 370,000 mega-watts in capacity with another 65 plants under construction. The single largest consumer of nuclear power is the US, followed by France, Japan and Germany. China has the greatest investment in future nuclear plants, with 27 reactors under construction.