Historical Top 10

  • Harvard University was founded

    The first American college was founded called Harvard University. This expanded America's education system now including school past high school.
  • The Department of Education

    The department of education was created to collect information about the American education system. This information was intended to be used to make the school systems better. The department has had many supporters as well as challengers. Many believe the federal government should stay out of the education system, but they provide the funds to many schools, especially low-income ones.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V. Board of Education was a landmark decision overturning Plessy v Fergerson. This decision outlawed racial segregation in the education system. This was the first big step for equality for all in the classroom.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District was a landmark decision granting students the right to the first amendments freedom of speech. This case gave students more room to express their thoughts and concerns about their education.
  • Plyer V Doe

    This was a landmark decision that gave all children in American the right to education no matter their legal status. Providing public education to all students living in the United States allows for a more flourishing country no matter the imagination status.
  • Columbine mass shooting

    Columbine was the first school shooting that caught the attention of every American. This was the first time Americans started to be concerned about school safety which started a new generation of students concerned about gun safety.
  • The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act provides public education for all students. This act provides special services and programs for students with disabilities and their families. This act cements the idea that education is a human right that all students should have access to.
  • Common Core

    Common core is a standard set for all American students to see where they stand according to where the federal government believes they should be standing. When school districts meet this standard they are granted rewards such as funding. This was seen as a negative by many educators because it prioritized standardized testing instead of students learning.
  • Every Student Succeed Act

    This act is the predecessor to the no child left behind act. This act is a federal program that holds the school districts accountable for their student’s learning. This act has less of a focus on standardized testing but testing is still the main assignment to see where schools stand.
  • March For Lives Protest

    After the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, students lead a demonstration proclaiming that more gun control would have made their school safer and children would not have lost their lives. Protesters fought for universal background checks and a federal assault rifle ban. This has been one of the largest students led organizations in American history.