Historical Timeline-TED 200

By tscott9
  • First Special Education School in the U.S

    First Special Education School in the U.S
    Originally called the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, it is now the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. The word “dumb” was meant to the people that were unable to speak. It took 3 years (1812-1815) to identify 84 deaf people in Connecticut, enough to start a school. This has helped children with a hearing cognitive have opportunities just like the rest of the children.
    Crowley, J. (2017, July 18).
  • National Education Association

    National Education Association
    100 educators came together as one voice for public education. Reading and writing was a leisure activity for most kids but not all. They teamed up with the American Teachers Association and turned what was only the fortunate kids to now a requirement for every American child. This has made education for every child in the U.S have better and brighter futures.
    N. (January 01) Our History
  • First Junior School

    First Junior School
    Organization to give people that are incapable to receive regular four-year education (High School). They combined the last two years of Elementary and the first year of High school to individually designed to fight the dropout rate after grade 8. Giving the unfortunate children a better opportunity in a Junior School made their learning and future better.
    Tebben, G. (2012, September 07)
  • Transportation & Schools Buses

    Transportation & Schools Buses
    This bill pasted in 1919 and it provides about 10 Billion rides to and from school annually. The school bus leads the safest system of transportation in the Unites States. States passed this bill to force school attendance and to strengthen the public schools. If we didn't have public transportation for children, their motivation wouldn't be there to learn. It gave everyone a chance to get a education.
    TULL, H. (January 01)
  • National School Lunch Act

    National School Lunch Act
    The Act helped give low-cost or free lunches to children every school day. It provides healthy balanced to public and non-profit private schools. Having a healthy lunch not just for your stomach but for your brain is important. Healthy foods fuel the brain to learn and remember. Some families couldn't afford lunch so they would go hungry and that would slow their learning down. That lunch would be the only food some kids would eat that whole day.
    National School Lunch Program. (January 01)