Historical timeline, title picture

Historical Timeline

By tlee43
  • Horace Mann's Common School Journal

    Horace Mann's Common School Journal
    Horace Mann was considered the grandfather of education for a reason and that reason had to do with how public education was going to continue. Horace Mann founded and edited the Common School Journal, which talked about all of the problems with the public education system.
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    Progressive Education

    With the turn of the century so did come a turn in education reform. the curriculum in the schools should reflect that of society. The idea was that the curriculum in the schools should reflect that of society. The center of the school curriculum should reflect the development of humans in society. The study of the core subjects, language, science, history should be coupled with the study of cooking, sewing, and manual training.
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    Race to Space and Race to the Top

    With the launching of the Soviet satellite Sputnik there was a demand for America to respond so we dropped unfathomable amounts of money into our space program which also increasing what we needed to learn in the classroom. Seeing that we are no longer the most advanced in term of technological advancements our education system changed so that we began teaching more scientific and mathematical things rather than the traditional subjects that were being taught till then.
  • Desegregation of Public schools

    Desegregation of Public schools
    During the 1960's America was in crisis with the rising of the Civil Fights movement, and with this movement came the idea of desegregating public schools. This was significant because without this event and the people willing to fight for it schools today might still be segregated.
  • No child left behind

    No child left behind
    This was a program that was intended to increase the number of well educated students. With all of the extensive testing and the narrowing of the subjects that school taught it actually lead to more students being less educated than they were before.