Historical Timeline

  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia (1972)

    -Mills was denied ability to attend school. Was denied right to Due Process.
    -District of Columbia stated no funds for services. Could not support disabled students so could not attend schools.
    -The ruling was no child would be denied due to lack of funds. Schools needed to readjust funds so that all students could participate in school.
    -This makes all school districts ensure that all children, regardless of disability, have an education.
  • Irving Independent School District v. Tatro (1984)

    -The school district agreed to special education. No count of CIC it is a medical service not educational.
    -Parents claimed CIC is related services, can not attend school with out service. Necessary for an education.
    -The court ruled for Irving schools, medical services. Later appealed and found that it does not need the supervision of a doctor so it is labeled related services and was added to the IEP.
    -Students should not be excluded due to medical circumstances.
  • Honig v. Doe (1988)

    -Found student needed to be suspended due to misbehavior. Proper response to actions taken.
    -Expelled for actions due to disability. Act was in IEP, should not count for misbehavior and expulsion.
    -Rules made to consider if disability caused misbehavior. If disability caused it then review, if not then same expulsion rules apply.
    -Some disabilities cause students to act in a way they cannot control. They should not miss out because of this.