Historical Timeline 7th Hour: Jennifer and Ainsley

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • The Russian's Betrayal

    The Russian's Betrayal
    Russia and Japan signed some agreements over the territories of Korea and Manchuria. Russia broke the agreements and Japan attacked the Russians at Port Arthur, Manchuria.
  • Petitions and Riots

    Petitions and Riots
    200,000 workers and families carried a petition to czar's house. It asked for better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Nicholas II's soldiers shot and wounded 1,000. This event was called "Bloody Sunday" and this provoked more violence.
  • Parliament

    In October 1905, Nicholas approved the creation of the Duma, which was Russia's first parliament in 1906. Its leaders wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. After ten weeks, czar dissolved the Duma.
  • Ultimate Decision

    Ultimate Decision
    Nicholas forced Russia to join World War 1 in a harsh and unprepared way. Russia did not have the means to pay military and economic costs. They suffered greatly during these times.
  • Economical Hardships

    Economical Hardships
    Women textile workers began a citywide strike in Petrograd. Over the next five days, riots started up over shortages of bread and fuel. 200,000 workers shouted in the streets, "Down with autocracy!" "Down with the war!"
  • The Government Takeover

    The Government Takeover
    Without warning, armed factory workers stormed the czar's winter palace. The same people called themselves the "Bolshevik Red Guards." They took over government offices and arrested procisional government leaders.
  • The Treaty of Brestlitovsk

    The Treaty of Brestlitovsk
    Russia and Germany signed the Treaty of Brestlitovsk. Russia surrendered a large part of territory to Germany. Many Russians were upset by the surrendered territory to Germany and rejected the new policies formed by the treaty. Also, the murder of the royal family made them furious.
  • Other Nations Aid

    Other Nations Aid
    The civil war went on from 1918 to 1920. Several western nations sent aid to the White Army. One of the countries included was the United States. Though their efforts were of little help to the cause.
  • Lenin's Compromise

    Lenin's Compromise
    Lenin temporarily put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy. Lenin resorted to a small-scale version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy.
  • The Ladder to the Top

    The Ladder to the Top
    The country is named the Union of Societ Socialist Republics (USSR). This was done in honor of the counsils that helped launch the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin suffers a stroke but survives. The two most notable men of the Communist Party are Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Joseph changed his name to Stalin, in the early days of Bolshevik, which means "man of steel". Stalin worked his way to leadership though Lenin thought him a dangerous man.