Historical Timeline

  • Period: 55 BCE to 410

    Roman Invasion

    The Romans conquered England in 55BCE and stayed until 410AD. During this time they forced the use of Latin in government, education, religion and merchants. Example Words
    1. Triumph
    2. Circus
  • Period: 500 to 700

    Germanic Settlers

    Germanic peoples including the Angles, Saxons and Jutes arrive in England. This is where the term Anglo-Saxon comes from. Example Words 1. Above. 2. Bed
  • Period: 700 to 1066

    Vikings and Scandinavian Influence

    Viking settlers resulted in a large Scandinavian influence on the English language with many British place names still remaining from this era. Example Words 1. Anger 2. Happy
  • Period: 1066 to 1550

    Middle English

    Following the Battle of Hastings, King William declares that all the King's business will be written in French. This is the beginning of Middle English and led to a great vowel shift with long vowels becoming short, and short becoming long. This period also included Chaucer and the introduction of the printing press. Example Words 1. arrangement 2. device.
  • Period: 1485 to

    Early Modern English

    Early Modern English began with the Tudor dynasty and encompassed the lifetime of Shakespeare and the writing of the first English dictionary in 1755. During this time, English also starts to be spoken in North America. This period also saw prescriptivism take charge. This is the concept of fixing the English language permanently. Example Words 1. Anchor. 2. Doubt.