Special needs seac

Historical Special Education Timeline

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    Board of Education Vs. Rowley

    Rowley was a student that was deaf and her school refused to provide a sign language interpreter to her.(https://supreme.justia.com/)
    Final Court ruling was a ruling of 6-3 decision came that schools are not required to provide sign language interpreters to deaf students who are otherwise receiving and equal and adequate education.
    It has allowed for those students that really need the attention to be able to receive it through resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRl11ifAA4M
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    Burlington V. Department of Education, Massachusetts

    The father enrolled the student in a private school for special education, then asked for the town to pay for the expenses of this school.(https://caselaw.findlaw.com/)
    Ruling of 9-0 parents can be reimbursed for unilaterally placing their child in a private school after not agreeing with the IEP giving by a public school official.
    This ruling has allowed for students to be able to get the needed services if they are not provided to them.
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    Moore V. District of Columbia

    Appeal from the United States District Court. This case is about whether he HCPA authorizes a court to award attorney fees to a party who has prevailed in an administrative proceeding under the EHA.(https://law.justia.com/)
    Ruling was parents were entitled to recover attorneys fees whena final resolution was made.
    I think that this gives the parents a better opportunity to fight for their students that have a special need.