Leo Kanner
Psychiatrist who first wrote about symptoms of "infantile autism" -
Bruno Bettelheim
coined the term "refrigerator mother" - uncaring/deatched mothers caused autism -
Bernard Rillham
attributed autism to biological factors as opposed to parenting skills -
Autism Society of America
established by Bernard Rimland -
Dr Eric Schoppler
founded the TEACCH approach to child and parents learn strategies/skills to enable the child to function as independently as possible -
Michael Rutter and Susan Folstein
research concluded that autism was psychogenetic and not an organic condition -
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
"infantile autism" first included; separate from childhood schizophrenia -
Lorna Wing
First person to use the term "Asperger's Syndrome" - form of Schzoid personality -
Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D
publishes the first study supporting intensive behavior therapy to help children with autism -
Public Schools
federal government makes autism a special education category -
Temple Grandin
Deep-pressure touch reported as a helpful strategy for calming down -
Asperger's Syndrome
Asperger's Syndrome is added to the DSM -
Andrew Wakefield
hired to conduct research on inflammatory bowel disease to support litigation of MMR vaccine attribution to autism -
Period: to
MMR Vaccine - Cause of Autism Evolution
The Lancet
British medical journal study that reports possible connection between MMR vaccine and autism -
Medical Reasearch Council of Britain
found no link between vaccines and autism -
Lancet Study Retracted
10 of 13 producing 1998 article retracted their findings -
Lee Watchell
proposed the use of electoconvulsive therapy to stop self-harming -
License Revoked
Andrew Wakefield's license revoked by Britain's medical council -
Brian Deer
British Medical Journal reports Wakefield data is fraudulent citing Deer's obtained information -
Asperger's Syndrome is no longer considered a separate condition.