Historical Significance on Australia

  • Start of Industrial Revolution

    Start of Industrial Revolution
    Industrial Revolution Started from UK then spread throughout Western Europe, North America, Japan and to rest of the world. Picture description
    A Watt steam engine, the steam engine used coal and it propelled the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and the world. The reason why I've put Industrial Revolution on my timeline is because Industrial Revolution have effected every country on earth and it is important to us too.
    (Picture from Wikipedia)
  • Period: to

    Historical Significance on Australia

  • Captain Cook reached at South-Eastern Coast of New Holland

    Captain Cook reached at South-Eastern Coast of New Holland
    Cook sailed to New Zealand and mapped the complete coastline, with some minor errors. Then he voyaged west, reaching the South-eastern coast of New Holland on 19th of April 1770 and because of that, his expedition became the first recorded Europeans to have New Holland's Eastern coastline encountered.
    He named East coast of New Holland as New South Wales Photo description
    James Cook, portrait by Nathaniel Dance, in approx 1775. (Picture from Google images)
  • First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay.

    First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay.
    Between 1788 and 1850 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia (New holland) in 806 ships. The first 11 ships are today known as the First Fleet and they contained convicts and marines that are now known as the founders of Australia.
    First Fleet left England on 13th of May in 1787 for Australia, stopped at Tenerife, Rio de Jamerio and Cape Town, where they got their food supplied. The fleet arrived at Botany Bay between 18th and 20th of January, 1788. (Photo from Google Images)
  • First Settlement in Australia

    First Settlement in Australia
    Few days after arrival at Botany Bay, the fleet moved to Sydney cove and settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26th of January, 1788. The colony was proclaimed by Governer Phillip on 7th of Feburary, 1788 ay Sydney Cove.
  • A colony was established in Van Diemen's Land

    A colony was established in Van Diemen's Land
    Lieutenant Colonel William Paterson The reason why I've put this event on my timeline is because this event is important for everyone who lives in Tasmania becasue it was first settlement in Tasmania.
  • First crossing of Blue Mountain by Blaxland, Lawson & Wentworth

    First crossing of Blue Mountain by Blaxland, Lawson & Wentworth
    From left, Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson & William Charles Wentworth.
  • The first colony in Moreton Bay (Queensland) was established.

    The first colony in Moreton Bay (Queensland) was established.
  • Start of the name, Australia

    Start of the name, Australia
    In 1824 (Do not know exact date), the name changed from New Holland to Australia, recommanded by Metthew Flinders in 1804. (Picture from Google images)
  • Moreton Bay settlement changed its name to Brisbane

    It was still part of New South Wales
  • The colony of Western Australia was officially proclaimed.

  • The colony of South Australia was proclaimed.

  • End of Industrial Revolution

  • Australia Gold Rush

    Australia Gold Rush
    Australian Gold Rush started in 1851 when Edward Hargraves found payable gold near Bathurst in New South Wales. Few months later, gold was also found in Ballarat and Bendigo in Victoria. In the late 1880s to mid 1890s, there were discoveries of gold fields in Western Australia which cause more gold rush in Australia. Because of those gold rushes, Australia's population grew from 400,000 to ove 1,000,000 during 1845 to 1896, and that is why Gold Rush is important for us.
  • Queensland separated from New South Wales.

  • First successful telephone transmission

    First successful telephone transmission
    The first successful telephone transmissionof clear speech using a liquid transmitter was by Alexander Graham Bell. He spoke into the device "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” and Watson heard each word clearly. Because Bell made this device, lots of things were now more easier for people. For example, when people got a appointment and they cannot attend, they could contect them without going to the place. It was really useful device so soldiers used it in the war too.
  • Ned Kelly's death

    Ned Kelly's death
    He was hanged at Melbourne Gaol for his crime, robbery and murder.
  • First Mechanical computer

    First Mechanical computer
    In 1837 Charles Babbage proposed a first mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine. The Analytical Engine was never completed while Charles Babbage was alive because of funding issues.
    In 1910 (do not know exact date) Henry Babbage, Charles Babbage's youngest son completed bit of the machine and it was able to perform basic calculations.
    The laptops, computers and etc. are all from this first mechanical computer and it was one of the best inventions. Photo descreption
    Charles Babbage in 1860
  • Start of World War I

    Start of World War I
    When Austria's crown prince visited Serbia, they got killed, so they declared war. Serbia asked for help to Russia, so Russia declared war with Austria, so Austria asked for help to German. After German got into the war, England and France got into the war in Serbia's side then Italy got into the war in Austria's side.
    That's how the World War I started.
  • Battle of Gallipoli.

    Battle of Gallipoli.
    Gallipoli is important for people who lives in Australia becasue it was one of the major historical event in Australia's history, and ANZAC day is memorial day for soldiers who were killed during the Gallipoli battle.
  • End of World War I

    End of World War I
    World War 1 was unfair for German because he had to look out for West and East because there were enemies everywhere, so they plan to use submarine operation which was using U-boat submarine to shoot ships down and they shot down US's cruise ship and US wasn't in the war, so they declared war with German. Becasue of that, there was no chance that German could win so they surrendered. World War 1 was all about fight between Germanic people and Slavs.