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Historical Perspectives in Psychology Project

  • 500 BCE

    The Greeks

    The Greeks
    Set the frame for psychology by discovering that human behavior was controlled more by our minds than by gods. Founder: Aristotle
  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Refined approach of experimentation through observation.
    Founder: Francesco Petrarch
  • Attacking Dualism

    Attacking Dualism
    Disagreed with Dualistic Approach of mind and body being two seperate entities. It argued that the mind controlled the body and together they formed our experiences.
    Founder: Rene Descartes
  • Inheritable Traits

    Inheritable Traits
    Questioned if behavior is determined by heredity or environment.
    Founder: Francis Galton
  • Evolutionary

    Def: Natural selection " survival of the fittest"
    Founder: Charles Darwin
  • Structuralism

    Developed intro- sepction, a method of self observation to gather information about the mind. Founder: Edward B. Titchener.
  • Functionalism

    The function of the mind and purposes of behavior.
    Founder: William James
  • Psychoanalytical

    Def: Based on your non-conscious desires
    Founder: Alfred Adler
  • Biological

    Def: The structure of the brain
    Founder: Micheal Gazzaniga
  • Behavioral

    Def: Products of our experiences.
    Founder:John B Watson
  • Social-Cultural

    Def: The presence of others.
    Founder: Albert Bandura
  • Cognitive

    Def: Behavior is a result of your thinking process.
    Founder: Dick Neisser
  • Humanistic

    Belief that everyone is inherently good.
    Founders:Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow