480 BCE
The Greeks
Greece is known as the age in which the polls, or city-state, was invented. As they grew larger, these villages began to evolve. Founder- Plato -
The Renaissance
It is the "Rebirth" Period of european civilization. The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery of new continents.
Founded by: Dante Alighieri -
Attacking Dualism
dualism is the concept that our mind is more than just our brain. one way to understand this concept is to consider our self as a container including our physical body and physical brain along with a separate non physical mind, spirit, or soul.
Founder: René Descartes -
functionalism is the viewpoint of the theory of the mind. it states that mental states are constituted solely by their functional role, which means, their causal relations with other mental states, sensory inputs and behavioral outputs. Founded: William James -
actions/product of our unconscious desires. Founder: Sigmund Freud -
Focuses on alteration of other people's behavior. Founder: B.F Skinner -
Structuralism means to analyze the adult mind (total of experience from birth to the present) in terms of the simplest components and then to find the way in which these components fit together in complex forms. Founder: Wilhelm Wundt -
Inheritable Traits
Heredity is more important than environment. Founder: Sir Francis Galton -
Psychological processes are result of anatomy of the brain Founder: Michael Guzzaniga -
focuses on positive feeling, love and self acceptance Founder: Abraham Moslow -
Our behavior is based off the way we think. Founder: Gustav Fechner -
Psychology that attempts to explain useful, mental, and psychological attempts. Founder: William James -
Consists of the believes, behaviors, and other characteristics. Founder: Albert Bandura