
Historical Perspectives 1850 to 1890

  • The Movement for Women's Rights,

    The Movement for Women's Rights,
    This movement consisted of the fight of the rights of women through protestas, publising in news papres ,ad holding public lectures.
  • Dreams of Shaping Society,

    Dreams of Shaping Society,
    The puritains colonized New England to build a new society where they particed their religion after 150 years Americans revolutionaries made a constitution that made citizens to change and rebuild the society with freedom
  • The Crisis of Slavery

    The Crisis of Slavery
    In that time African Americans were treated like things no like humans were their rigths were constantly violated and they were used like slaves, many people begged for fredoom , but the econony of the South depended of it, then in the North started replacing agriculture as the income for the same laws against salvery were imposed
  • A Historic Convention

    A Historic Convention
    The rights of property were limited for women, adn they were not able to vote so Elizabeth Cady and Lucretia Mott organized a convention were the rights of woman were discuss.
  • Social Progress

    Some states had pass laws giving women rigth to their own property although some husbands stiil had the right to manage shared properety. Some stated alllowed women to vote but it was until the ratification of Nineteemth Amendmet that all wommen were able to vote
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    When Abraham Lincon was elected begun THe Civil War between North and Sotuh, The North won after this noone woul beslaved anymore.It confirmed the stregth of the countrys central government in relation of the states
  • Expansion and Progress

    Expansion and Progress
    The city continued expanding its territory and forced Native Americans to abandon their lands where immigrants provided work. The nation began to link borders with other cities.with railway and telegraphs.
  • Reform Movements

    Reform Movements
    In this movement people were figthing for the developtmet of the society. Horace mann supported public education others were loooking for a bettter justice system and women began to pursue economic and political equality.
  • A Nation Comes of Age,

     A Nation Comes of Age,
    United Stated grew from a agricultural society to into a modern industrial giant. The rights of everyone were discusssed. United Sattes were reshaped not only by reforms also in a technological progress and economic development,
  • A Legacy of Protest.

    A Legacy of Protest.
    Even Tough slavery were abolished , injustices continued and there were poetests to end with racial discrimination.In the case of Women the inequality in the vote continued. and protests continued.