
Historical Perspectives 1850 to 1890

  • A Historical Convention

    A Historical Convention
    Women were discouraged from playing most major roles in piblic life. The rigths to property were limited. Stanton introduced a resolution to pursue the rigth to vote for women.
  • The Movement for Women's Rights

    The Movement for Women's Rights
    some woman compaigned vigorously for women´s rigths. Their tactics included lobbying politicians, holding public lectures, publishing newspapers and marching.
  • Dreams of Shaping Society

    Dreams of Shaping Society
    The Puritians colonized New England came to build a new society. Years later the Americans revolutnaries wrote a constitution with tools where the citizens could change the course of the country.
  • Dreams of Shaping Society

    Dreams of Shaping Society
    The Puritans colonized New England came to build a new society. Years later the Americans revolutionaries wrote a constitution with tools that citizens coul change the course of the country.
  • The Crisis of Slavery

    The Crisis of Slavery
    Many African Americans were enslaved. Many in the nation cried out for change, but the economy of the South rallied to it. Northem states had begun passing antislavery laws. Critics of slavery were becoming vocal in their opposition.
  • Social Progress

    Social Progress
    Some states, passed laws allowing women to vote. The rigth to vote was not granted to women nationwide, however, until the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 1920.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    Began, pitting North against South. After years, the North won the war. No longer would anyone be enslaved and the economy influence in the country had shifted from the agricultural South to the industrial.
  • Expansion and Progress

    Expansion and Progress
    Before the war, the country has expanded greatly and after the war, it also continued to grow. For the first ime the electricity was being used on a large scale for everything city ligths to factory machinnes.
  • Reform Movement

    Reform Movement
    The Pioneers defended public education and activists pushed for reforms of the justice system, which created the modern prison. Women also began to ensure equal rights.
  • A Nation Comes of Age

    A Nation Comes of Age
    The freedom of African Americans , the rigths of women, and argued. In the end, the society of United States was reshaped.
  • A Legacy of Protest.

    A Legacy of Protest.
    Slavery had been abolished, injustices against African Americans continued Women´s lives ineguality continued to reign. Protest continued.