Historical Novel

By Jdiaz20
  • 1270

    The mongols we’re celebrating their great victory.

  • 1270

    Mongol invasion of Tibet: Mongol forces to crush rebellion in Tibet and implement regular administration.

    (Events happening in Mongolia)
  • 1271

    Khubai Khan declares himself emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

  • 1274

    Mongols attempt to invade China

    Around the world
  • 1274

    Japan invades by mongols

  • 1275

    Emmanji, the main character, struggles to tell the khan she should be a soldier.

  • 1275

    The khan tells Emmanji that she should join the army

  • 1275

    They are on their way to carajan

  • 1275

    They finally arrive and soon notice that the people who they are fighting with have animals. Emmanji did not know how to feel because she loves animals.

  • 1275

    They arrive to Xanadu. Marco Polo is first seen.

  • 1275

    The begin planning for their conquest.

  • 1275

    Chyas-ud-dia Baraq dies and Khaldu takes control of the Chagatai Khanate.

  • 1276

    Suren, Emannji’s cousin, dies fighting.

  • 1276

    The Great Khan and his court left for Xanadu and returned to the capital in khabalik

  • 1276

    They win the battle to gain independence.

  • 1276

    Sony dynasty falls to Yuan Dynasty

  • 1279

    Southern Song Dynasty ends.

    Around the world
  • 1279

    Yuan Dynasty starts

    Around the world
  • 1281

    Mongols second invasion of Japan.

  • 1284

    Second invasion of Vietnam falls

  • 1284

    The third invasion of Vietnam falls.

  • 1285

    In China, many are employed in workshops and factories

    Around the world
  • 1288

    Mongola raid Java

  • 1295

    Ghazan ruler of the Likhanate, converts to Islam.

  • 1299

    Mongols win over the manluks in Syria

  • 1331

    Possibly contracted by Mongol soldiers, a disease spreads the population of North China

    Around the world