uranium, with an atomic number of 92, had the most protons of any known element -
Neutron-induced uranium decay
Joined by expert chemical analyst Fritz Strassman, the team began investigating neutron-induced uranium decay at the end of 1934 -
Hahn was sure of the chemical evidence of transuranes: In general, the chemical behavior of the transuranes... is such that their position in the periodic system is no longer in doubt. Above all, their chemical distinction from all previously known elements needs no further discussion. -
By 1938, the political situation in Germany had become dangerous for Meitner. -
Meitner wrote to Hahn: I am quite certain that the two of you really do have a splitting to Ba, and I find that to be a truly beautiful result, for which I most heartily congratulate you and Strassman. -
Hahn was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry -
recognized for her role in clarifying the process that she first explained and named until well after her death in 1968