Slave auction in the south final 250x250

Historical Narrative Oral

  • African Tribe sells slaves to British men.

    African Tribe sells slaves to British men.
    Wadstorm, C. Leaving the ships. Group of Negros imported to be sold for Slaves. An Essay on Colonasation, Winterbottom.
  • Crammed on ships transported to America

    Crammed on ships transported to America
    James Phillips, G. Y. Description of a Slave Ship. Diagrom of Slave ship. British Library Board, london.
  • Treatment on ships

    Treatment on ships
  • Put in pens before auction

    Put in pens before auction
    Unknown. Interior of Slave jail. Unknown. US Slave, Unknown, South America.
  • Grab and Go auction, tricks to make slaves look healthy

    Grab and Go auction, tricks to make slaves look healthy
    unknown. Slave Auction. Unknown. Eye witness History, Washington D.C.
  • Living conditions for a slave

    Living conditions for a slave
    Unknown. Home for a Slave. Unknown. Slaves At Work, Washington D.C.
  • Slave Working details, hours, work ect...

    Slave Working details, hours, work ect...
    Slave Working In Cotton Fields. Cotton Plantation Mississippi. Us Slave: Slave Grown Cotton 1800-1860
  • Punishment/Treatment of a slave

    Punishment/Treatment of a slave
    punishes slave in brazil 1834. unknown, unknown.
  • Escaping from slavery

    Escaping from slavery
    unknown. Underground railroad. Underground Railroad. Pathways to freedom- Underground railroad, Unknown.
  • Safe Houses hid the slaves

    Safe Houses hid the slaves
    unknown. Underground railroad. Underground Railroad. Pathways to freedom- Underground railroad, Unknown.