Historical Moments in FACS

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    Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford)

    Was the first to label nutrition as a science in the late 1800s.
    Invented the first range with temperature control.
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    Catharine Beecher

    Wrote the first FACS textbook recognized by the Department of Education
  • Dietetics in the Dictionary

    Dietetics was defined in the dictionary as a diet that alleviates, prevents, and treats diseases.
  • The first home economics textbook

    The first home economics textbook
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    Ellen S. Richards

    The first female to attend and graduate from MIT
    Attended Lake Placid Conference
    Started the school lunch program in Boston
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    W. O Atwater

    Invented bomb calorimeter
    Considered father of nutrition
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    The grant that provided land for colleges and universities to be built for the advancement in agriculture
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    CF Langworthy

    Co-editor of the Journal of Home Economics
    Conducted metabolic tests
    Studied chemical composition of food
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    Caroline Hunt

    Attended lake placid conference
    Conducted two important studies of immigrants and ethnic population in Chicago
    Collected dietary histories and social and economic information; published by the government department
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    Lulu Graves

    The first president of the American Dietetic Association
  • Rumford Kitchen named after Count Rumford

    Rumford Kitchen named after Count Rumford
    Chicago World's Fair
  • Lake Placid Conference

    Lake Placid Conference
    Where 11 leaders gathered and created “home economics” as a field of study
  • Calorimeter

    Created by W. O. Atwater
  • Founded as home Economics

    Founded as home Economics
    The American Home Economics Association was founded.
  • Smith-Lever Act

    Created Cooperative Extension Services including FACS
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Established as part of the Vocational (CTE) Education
  • American Dietetic Association

    American Dietetic Association
  • Lulu Graves is made the 1st President of ADA

    Lulu Graves is made the 1st President of ADA
  • First government regulation for Dietitians

    Required two years of home economics training
  • ADA requires additional education

    Required 4 years of a college degree and 6 months of training in a hospital
  • Vocational Education Acts

    Vocational Education Acts
    Grants that aided states in keeping or updating the educational program
  • Vocational Amendment

    Slight changes were made to existing programs, including; increased funding, providing a council, and meeting the demands of the disabled
  • First RD Examination

    The first registration examination was formed and all 56 interns passed
  • Vocational Amendment

    Developed new programs, maintained old programs, and prevented bias and discrimination against sex
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Carl Perkins Act
    Created funding for career and technical education

    The organization of the American Home Economics Association changed its name to the American Association of Family and Consumer Science.
  • ADA changes its name

    American Dietetic Association changed to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
  • AND requires further education

    By 2024 all Dietitians will be required to have a masters degree